How I Spent My Summer

I had surgery the Friday before Memorial Day, and I had my final radiation treatment the Friday after Labor Day. The going got extremely tough toward the end, but it’s done.

The chemo has made me anemic, so I feel weak and fatigued. I’m still in some pain, but with the promise that I won’t need the narcotic pain killer I’m taking after a week or two. Another effect of the treatments is that I’m down to my marathon training weight, but without the benefit of being in good physical condition.

Trump’s Suckers for Putin

Right-wing influencers were duped to work for covert Russian influence operation

Today was supposed to be my last cancer treatment day. Instead, it is the penultimate day, because of what happened on Tuesday, the worst day of my life.

Week #5

MIT Technology Review profiles Tom Scholz.

This is the breakthrough album that made Scholz’s non-existent band, Boston, an overnight sensation.

I caught some of this BBC podcast today, and I’m sufficiently interested to start listening from the start.

So, how am I doing, on the home stretch of cancer treatments? It’s like he said in a galaxy far, far away.