Week #5

MIT Technology Review profiles Tom Scholz.


This is the breakthrough album that made Scholz’s non-existent band, Boston, an overnight sensation.

I caught some of this BBC podcast today, and I’m sufficiently interested to start listening from the start.

So, how am I doing, on the home stretch of cancer treatments? It’s like he said in a galaxy far, far away.

Hold That Thought

The news isn’t terrible, but it isn’t good, either. Stage 1 cancer, a very rare type, but it’s curable. I’ve been told to expect radiation and chemotherapy, but to wait for the Mass General tumor review board’s recommendation. They meet on Thursday.

As I said before, I have no interest in chronicling my “cancer journey.” Therefore, I am putting this online journal on hold for the duration. A rough estimate is I’ll be quiet for at least 3-4 months. I hope to see you on the other side.

Livin’ the dream in radio! The $100/month basement rented room where I lived my first four years after college.