The Trusty Trustee

I thought I was done five years ago managing my late parents’ estate, but it seems a trustee’s work is never done. This came from American Express to correct an error they made in my father’s account.

So that’s $0.16 each for myself and my five siblings, and I’ll keep the extra four cents for my fee. But uh, oh. There’s no such account as The Estate of George Pratt, and as there was no formal dissolution process for the trust, I don’t know what its legal status is. I vow to earn those four extra cents by devoting myself full-time to the resolution of this pressing financial matter!

Why DOuG pRATt?

I continue to be amazed by the number and diversity of Doug Pratt’s. By adopting the pen name “Dog Rat” over 30 years ago, I preemptively avoided being mistaken for one of them.

The Doug Pratt interviewed here talks about being gay and Black in Cleveland. We’re the same age, but that’s all we have in common besides our name.

There is also a lack of diversity in my name, at least with hobbies, as I explained on my Contact page.

How to Contact DOuG

A very long time ago, after we moved into our first house, I was in a Cambridge audio shop buying an excellent NAD 3120 amplifier for the living room. As I recall, it was on sale for only $90.

NAD 3120

The owner of the shop looked at my credit card and laughed. “You’re Doug Pratt? Doug Pratt is a crazy guy who comes in here all the time looking for bargains. You’re not Doug Pratt!” Except for the “all the time” part, I was guilty as charged and I still have the amp. Ten years later, shortly after we moved, another Doug Pratt moved into the town that I’d left.

Sumpy Lives!

Sumpy, my trusty basement sump pump, has had it easy for more than ten years. He hasn’t needed to run since my next door neighbors installed sump pumps in their house.

Monday’s storm was so bad that it woke up Sumpy. He’s been running every few minutes for the past 24 hours. I’m glad he was able to hold his water until after the electricity came back on. Otherwise, if I hadn’t caught it in time to get the generator running, there would have been a mess to clean up in the basement.

I used to have a couple of PVC drain pipes that fit together to extend the outside outlet and take the water away from the house. I still have them, but as mentioned here a while ago, they were used by the landscaping contractor for the downspout drain project, so I had to improvise.

In the garage I had a long, plastic shipping tube from a video projector screen project. The tube seemed like a perfect replacement for the pipes that are now buried underground, but when I dropped it on the ground it broke in two! Despite being much thicker than the other pipes, it’s actually much more fragile.

Forced to improvise again, I knew that duct tape wouldn’t be good enough to hold the two pieces together. Then I remembered the roll of aluminum tape I bought when replacing the dryer vent.

It worked! And I was wondering if I would ever have another use for that expensive roll of aluminum tape.

I’m going to reward myself for a successful hack with an Elvis Special — a peanut butter and banana sandwich. I won’t fry it the Elvis way, but I’ll toast the bread.

The Little Generator That Could

We’ve had the second storm of the season that, in the past, would have been a blizzard. Instead, it’s 60 degrees with high wind and heavy rain.

The power went out this morning and the utility doesn’t have an estimate when it will be restored. I fired up the portable generator and recharged my phone, which is now running as a Wi-Fi hotspot for the new laptop PC.

Yes, the garage floor needs to be resurfaced. It’s on the list.

I Admit Taking Graft!

I went to the periodontist today to get a titanium post, but all I got was a lousy bone graft. Based on what he saw a month ago, he was hoping the graft wouldn’t be necessary, but once he opened up the gum, no such luck. $2350 for the graft, and assuming all looks well for the titanium post in three months, that will be another $3000. Hooray for dental surgery!

Oh, Deery Me

Hey! Stop that! Don’t eat my expensive arborvitae! Get away from there you deer!

There! I’d like to see them try nibbling through that left-over aluminum screening I kept in the garage from a long-ago project.

They’re in the woods, waiting for me to drop my guard, I just know they are. But I won’t let them get the jump on me! Nosiree! Not me! I’ll hide under the deck and catch them in the act. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do. Heh, heh. They picked the wrong guy to mess with! Laugh at me, will they? I’ll show them!