Spencer for hire

Sometimes I think every Hollywood romance — or are they just relationships? — is manufactured. It’s amazing how much coverage they get, especially when there’s a split. It’s as if the breakup is scheduled to occur at a particular time, to get the pair back in the news, after they start to slip from the public’s radar. I don’t know Spencer Pratt, and if he’s a relative of mine I don’t know it, and I’ve never seen anything he’s ever done.


Netflix flub

As you can see, I’ve been using Netflix for over six years.

In all this time I’ve never had a problem with Netflix. Until now.

We rented ‘Blade Runner: The Final Cut’ on Blu-ray, and the disc was defective. It froze at a certain spot and wouldn’t recover. (Yeah, yeah… I cleaned it and tried again, etc.) So I returned it and asked for a replacement. They sent a high-def disc, but it was in the defunct HD-DVD format! I returned the disc, indicating it had been mislabeled. So what did they send? Another HD-DVD copy. Grrrr…

This time I called and actually got to speak with someone. “Destroy this disc!” I told him. I’m not going to bother asking for another copy from Netflix. I think Bismo owns ‘Blade Runner: The Final Cut’ on DVD. We’ll watch that.

BTW, Best Buy and the Sony outlet stores have stacks of the BDP-N460 Blu-ray player for only $140. If you can use Ethernet instead of Wifi for streaming video, that’s an incredible deal.