I’ve been working on a couple of items about last weekend in New York that will have numerous images. But the browse feature for the upload function within WordPress when using Firefox stopped working. It worked in IE 7, but then I ran into a different problem with that. So I went back to Firefox, determined to figure out what happened. Eventually, I remembered that I’d taken an update to Abode Flash recently and, sure enough, when I disabled it as a Firefox add-on, the browse button re-appeared.
Ya know, I’m really, really tired of this sort of [insert anagram of the word “this” here]. Why the [insert word that rhymes with luck here] should Flash interfere with this function within an editor? It’s [word that rhymes with clap] like this that makes me say I’m glad I figured out what the [rhymes with bell] was wrong, but it’s late and I give up for now so I can go to bed and go the dentist in the morning. Eventually I’ll get to publish what I’ve been trying to get to for the past three days, but haven’t been able to due to illness and technical inanity/insanity.
Ah. Here we go. Wish I’d found this an hour ago. Big problem, and in the release version of Flash 10, too.
DON’T USE FLASH 10 WITH FIREFOX! Did I mention I’m really tired of this sort of stuff?
P.S. I downdated to Flash 9 and browsing to upload media files is working again.