Oui Wii

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Movies/Wordpress/NOV06/South_Park.flv 400 300]
Eric has, at last, experienced the eagerly-anticipated Nintendo Wii! At a demo kiosk in the Natick Mall.

It’s been a long wait for the Wii, which was originally going to be called the Revolution. Here’s hoping Santa does a good job making sure they’re in ample supply for the Holidays Christmas! No! Wait! I got that backwards. Holidays Christmas. *Whew* There, that’s better.

There’s another Eric who’s anxious to play the Nintendo Wii. The foul-mouthed kid on South Park. Well, every kid on South Park is foul-mouthed. The language on the video above has been reasonably cleaned up with some judicious editing.

I’m not particularly a fan of the show, in part because of the needlessly gratuitous profanity. I made a point of watching the Scientology show, however, and it was quite good. I’m not saying the writers don’t score points against their targets, but for me the swearing muddies the message.

Special Guest Blogger

This installment of DogRat is brought to you by honorable son Eric.

If the space above is blank, blame YouTube™!

A new trailer for the highly anticipated video game Dairantou Smash Brothers X (known outside of Japan as Super Smash Brothers Brawl) was released this week at the Tokyo Game Show 2006. Like the other games in the series, DSBX is a crossover fighting game starring Nintendo characters, although this installment will include a guest character from the Metal Gear series by Konami, Snake.

The new trailer reveals several new arenas and one new character, Fox. The game is set to be released in early 2007 for the Nintendo Wii.


Who Am I?


A friend where I work needed a favor. She had an idea for a presentation that required the old Who song “Who Are You” — but it couldn’t have the swear words in it.

I was in the radio business when the song came out, and there was a short, cleaned-up single version.  Not having the single handy, I made one of my own. Although the question should be asked, who am I to touch a Who song?


On the audio player is my edit, followed by the original. This was transferred from the vinyl LP I bought the week that the album was released in 1978. I don’t think the album is all that great, actually, so I never bought the CD.

Can you tell where the four edits are? The deletion at 4:38 was the trickiest.  It’s at 5:34 in the unedited cut.


Internet Explorer 7 is now running on one of our home computers.  The most obvious change is that it does tabbed browsing, which is something that Firefox users already do.  Another addition is that IE finally reliably displays “favicons.”

A favicon is a mini-icon that appears in the address field of a browser.  I’ve just added a favicon to DogRat.com.  This is how it appears in IE7.

Nice!  Just as I wanted it.  So yay to that much about IE7.  But I’m sorry to say it screws up something else.  It’s cropping the bottom of the site title.

Boo, IE7!

Boo!  Perhaps I need to edit the style sheet, or maybe Microsoft has done something for which there is no easy workaround.  I’ll look into it, but not today.

666 = rw-rw-rw

What is the significance of the 755, mentioned in the previous posting?  Click the picture to watch an excellent animated presentation on UNIX file permissions.

It shows you how binary numbering works, compared to the decimal numbering that we taken for granted, because we have two hands with five digits each.  The value of 1112 is 710.  So the decimal numbers for the permissions are 755, 744, etc., and are pronounced “seven, five, five,” and not “seven hundred fifty-five.”