A couple of excellent post-war movies directed by Henry Hathaway. Kiss of Death from 1947, and Call Northside 777 from 1948. I’ve seen both of them more than once. I like the way Hathaway’s deliberate pacing pulls the viewer along without rushing.
Category: All Posts
From the fun, old days, before self-imposed unemployment, when I was getting free vendor merch.
Red-Tailed Trouble
As I mentioned recently, there’s a hawk hanging around the neighborhood. A red-tailed hawk.
Yesterday, I heard him calling from the highest perch of the tallest tree, when another hawk joined him. If there’s a Mrs. Hawk, as far as I’m concerned they’re welcome to take up residence here. There are plenty of yummy squirrels for their dining enjoyment. Then today I saw this.
A red-tailed hawk is fighting for its life in Massachusetts, the latest predatory bird to fall victim to ingesting a controversial rodenticide.
The infrequent times I detect the presence of a mouse in the house, I use catch-and-hold traps, never poison.
Hitting Below the Utility Belt
“The Bat Pill is the little blue one?”
Turning the Page Back
“Turn the Page” was a very weak slogan for Kamela’s campaign, but considering the strength of Trump’s win, nothing she did or didn’t do could have kept him from returning to the scene of the crime.
I’m casting my blog brain back to the interesting month of October, 2011, during the halcyon years of Obama’s first term. You’ll have to ignore the dead links and formatting problems that I’m not going to bother fixing.
Gazing into the Past

With eighteen years behind me here, I occasionally pick a past month at random to review, trying to not care about the broken links and formatting problems from old WordPress themes. Some posts seem worth fixing up and re-posting. This one is from May, 2010.