David Wessel compares and contrasts the economic proposals of the two presidential candidates.
I Cannot Tell a-Fib
My cancer treatments ended four weeks ago. Recovery from the side effects of chemo and radiation has been slow, but steady. I won’t know if I’m cured until an examination in December. After that, I’ll be preparing for an ablation procedure in the hope of treating my persistent atrial fibrillation. It will be done at Mass General in Boston, by the director of the A-Fib program at Harvard Medical School. If he can’t get me out of a-fib, then nobody can. The odds he gave me that he’ll be able to do that? 60-70%.
Dr. Kissinger, I Presume?
John Oliver does his Henry Kissinger face for The New York Times.
Burning and Drowning in Denial
Just imagine how bad it would be if climate change were real.
So What’s Next in the Middle East?
After everything that Israel has done in Gaza, and now Lebanon, my guess is that Iran will attempt to assassinate Netanyahu.
From Worried to Scared?
Right now I’m worried that Donald Trump could be returned to the White House. If that happens, then I’ll be scared, because he will continue the damage he began and destroy the government.
Mitch McConnell may have thought he was acting out of political cunning by not leading the Senate to convict Trump of his second Impeachment. My feeling is he was acting out of cowardice.
As a direct result of McConnell’s failure to neutralize Trump, he has destroyed his beloved Republican Party. It is no longer adequate to describe Democrats as liberal and Republicans as conservative. Democrats are sane and Republicans are insane.