Technical Note

The blog theme has been changed. It may not look it at first glance, but behind the scenes it’s not the same. Please let me know if anything doesn’t work or seems wrong to you. Thanks.

Well, that didn’t last long. It blew up. Back to the old theme.

Larissa holds title, but loses to Palin

Until Tuesday night, I was wondering if Jeopardy! contestant Meredith Robbins, a library media specialist from New York, had a chance of catching up to Larissa Kelly. It didn’t happen.

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This answer was in the first round. Bet you know the question. 😉

No “blockhead”, this cartoonist drew his first breath in Minneapolis on Nov. 26, 1922

Meredith was an interesting contrast to Larissa Kelly, who always bet big in Final Jeopardy. Meredith was a strong contestant, but she lost because she didn’t bet enough at the end. She won her first three appearances despite losing in Final Jeopardy each time.

While Larissa Kelly remains the all-time winning woman in Jeopardy! I unfortunately must report that she is no longer the #1 search hit on this blog. Larissa is now second behind… AAUGH! … Sarah Palin.