A Summer Weekend

Sorry, I haven’t written in a bit. Been taking a break.

One of our neighbors had their big, annual cookout. The husband was Eric’s math teacher two years ago. He always rents one of those inflatable fun houses. Eric thinks the drawings on it are funny, and I agree.

Inflatable funhouse
Inflatable funhouseInflatable funhouse

Looks like a hardhat theme, but the black guy isn’t wearing one and he’s winking. Hmm. I think they should have gone for an all-out Village People motif. One of the faces looks sort of like a young Dubya Bush, and the other like Rock Hudson. Bizarre.

The air conditioner on Carol’s 2002 Honda CRV blew. Online there are many complaints about the same problem. We’re taking it to our trusted local independent garage, and depending on what they say we’ll call Honda of America. Loud noises and things sounding like they’re falling off indicate a defective part, and not normal wear-and-tear.

Let’s see, what else is going on? I mowed the lawn, I ran seven miles today, we went out to dinner tonight, and oh yes. I won an eBay auction recently, and I’ll be blogging about that item as soon as it comes in.

Mental Recession?

It’s July, and we have a mini-heatwave, yet the talk is of next winter. Take a look at these numbers for home heating oil here in Massachusetts.

Average Price For July 8

  • 2008: 4.71
  • 2007: 2.54
  • 2006: 2.58
  • 2005: 1.98
  • 2004: 1.54
  • 2003: 1.31
  • 2002: 1.16
  • 2001: 1.31

Somebody should let Phil Gramm, former senator and now economic advisor to John McCain, know that there’s nothing psychological about the cost of energy. There are many people in the northeast who simply will not be able to pay their heating bills, and they need to do their whining now, before they freeze in their own homes. And today the price of a barrel of crude oil has set yet another record.

A Raybert Production

Raybert Productions was Bob Rafelson and Bert Schneider, who gave us the Monkees TV show and, later, the movie Easy Rider. Nearly a year ago I posted a clip from the Monkees’ movie Head, featuring Toni Basil. Toni was also in Easy Rider.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/JUL/EasyRider.flv 440 330]

Easy Rider helped make a star of Jack Nicholson, who is credited with co-writing Head, and in which he made this cameo appearance.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/JUL/MonkeesHead.flv 440 330]

The Monkees were smack-dab center stage for my age group. I’d post more about them, but I’m leaving the field open for D.F. Rogers, should he ever decide to do a Monkees Web site or blog.