Chicken Fat Attack

When I was kid, along with perhaps millions of kids in gym classes across America, I was forced to exercise to a song called “Chickenfat”. I always assumed the song was done by nobody in particular, but how wrong I was. “Chickenfat” was written by Meredith Willson and sung by Robert Preston, who had some slight success with something called The Music Man.

Isn’t this just great? Robert Preston was a one-of-a-kind talent. It isn’t so much the nostalgic kick of hearing this again that I appreciate, as it is Preston’s enthusiasm.

Robot Attack

It’s the Red States vs. the Blue States! Red appears to have gotten in the first punch, but Blue will be fighting back — I hope!

Here’s a toy every boy wanted, but I never had. After all that pounding and punching, Rock ‘Em and Sock ‘Em haven’t aged a day in 40 years!

They were introduced in 1966 by Marx, a NYC company that had nothing to do with the Marx brothers, but with a knack for making inexpensive and interesting toys. Read more about Louis Marx and Co. on Wikipedia.

Mattel is bringing back the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots for the reasonable price of $15, and has ’em for pre-order. Don’t see a release date, but let’s hope it’s out before Christmas.

No electronics, no batteries, only mechanically manipulated mayhem! Mattel should introduce a Marital Dispute Edition. They’d sell out in no time!