Here’s a cropped screen shot taken from the video clip of last night’s Colbert Report. This is how the image quality should look on your computer, too, when played with the embedded controls; i.e., scaled up smoothly by the media player from 320×240 pixels, without jaggies. Just checking! If you launch it from the “player problem” link it’ll be in its original, smaller size.
Chapter IX. The Queen of the Field Mice.
Audio Adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1961
[audio:|titles=The Wonderful Wizard of OZ: Chapter IX]
Here’s a segment Stephen Colbert had last night on terrorism and racial profiling, which is now being labeled ‘behavioral’ profiling. The first part highlights Colbert’s superb comic acting skills.
I remember how immediately after the Oklahoma City bombing the Boston radio talk show wing-nut Howie Carr declared it to have been the work of Islamic terrorists. By chance, a few months later I came across Carr making an appearance at a New Hampshire mall. I was going to say something to him about Timothy McVeigh not looking especially like a typical Islamic terrorist, but I had my son with me, and he was only 3 then, so I thought better of it.
Name the Actress
Sorry, but I say “actor” for men and “actress” for women. It’s the one concession I won’t make to gender-general terminology. So now that you’ve gotten over that, do you know who this actress is?
New York Radio — 5
Here’s the wrap-up, kids. The decline of Top 40 AM radio, and the rapid rise of Album Rock on FM; a trend that overwhelmed even the mighty WABC. Thanks for watching!
[flv: 400 300]
Chapter VIII. The Deadly Poppy Field.
Audio Adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of OZ, Crown Publishers, Inc., 1961
[audio:|titles=The Wonderful Wizard of OZ: Chapter VIII]