Was Grace Kelly ever nude in a movie?
Come back, little Eva•tone
Eva•tone Soundsheets were fun. They were more generically called flexi-discs. I have a few, and I’ll get around to transferring and posting them. There’s precious little information available about these earliest of floppy discs, even from Eva•tone; which is still in business, but ceased soundsheet production in 2000.
Here’s a flexi-disc from the early 1970’s with an interview of Batman comic-book writer Denny O’Neil. A much more recent interview with O’Neil is on the Batman Begins DVD.
Dial V for Video
This is an attempt at embedding a video that’s not from YouTube. One of my own. Let’s try the opening credits from Alfred Hitchcock’s Dial M for Murder, because it happens to be handy and it’s short.
I helped teach this guy how to drive, and I took him to see The Blues Brothers. What was I thinking??
Chicken Fat Attack
When I was kid, along with perhaps millions of kids in gym classes across America, I was forced to exercise to a song called “Chickenfat”. I always assumed the song was done by nobody in particular, but how wrong I was. “Chickenfat” was written by Meredith Willson and sung by Robert Preston, who had some slight success with something called The Music Man.
Isn’t this just great? Robert Preston was a one-of-a-kind talent. It isn’t so much the nostalgic kick of hearing this again that I appreciate, as it is Preston’s enthusiasm.
Pratt Attack
My name is Pratt. As in Prattfall [sic], Prattle, etc. Being artistically inclined when I was younger, in high school I wanted to attend Pratt Institute in New York. Didn’t happen.