1973 seen in a daughter’s eyes

Jenn Grant

Jenn Grant is a singer from Canada. I’m coming up on the 40th anniversary of my high school graduation, and Grant’s late mother was apparently my age, as seen in this video for Jenn’s evocative song The Fighter.

My mother was the Queen of Azaleas in 1973. My brother and I found this amazing super 8 footage of her in an unopened box less than a year ago, only a few days after she passed away.

With the help of my director Jason Levangie and creative assistant Sarah Roy, it was added together with super 8 footage filmed close to my home in Nova Scotia. A very small crew of two very dedicated people made it possible to help show a glimpse of her beauty to the world, to a song that she said was her favorite on this album. I have never had a music video embody something I care about so deeply, and it is just one of the gifts that she has given me. To share her light with the world just as she encourages me to show mine.