America at a Crossroads

PBS has a series called America at a Crossroads, hosted by Robert MacNeil. [Link] One of the shows is Frontline’s Gangs of Iraq, which I’ve watched online and recommend highly.

Tonight, one of the local PBS stations re-ran Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime, a collection of stories told by soldiers who have been fighting in Iraq. A variety of storytelling techniques are used in the show, including one that is best described as a video comic book. Not quite a comic book, and not quite a cartoon, this packs a lot of punch, don’t you think? Here it is. The drawings were done by an artist named Christopher Koelle. [Link]
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2 thoughts on “America at a Crossroads”

  1. I’ve seen a couple of Iraq vet amputees at the mall — at least that’s what I assume they are. How many guys who are 20 are in a wheelchair? They may be car accident victims, but I doubt it…

  2. Most excellent. Of course, the shoebox WILL open for this guy eventually, and he’ll either become clinically depressed, or become a drug addict, or worse. Or maybe he’ll be just fine. Point is, this war is pointless! Great use of graphics.

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