As promised, here’s more anime. Emma, A Victorian Romance, a 24-part series, isn’t Jane Austen, but it’s not giant robot battles, either.
We’ve watched only the first episode of Emma, but the series looks like a good selection for Eric’s girl cousins. I’ve spliced together a couple of scenes. See? No giant battling robots!
[flv:/Video/2008/JUL/Emma.flv 448 252]
Most excellent! Molly was like Emma at the end when she first got her contacts. She kept breaking her glasses and not wearing them. Basicially, for two years, she got by in school without them, still maintaining a nearly straight-A average! She’s very good with her contacts, never losing any so far.
Molly sez the guy’s eyes are blue when he first shows up, then turn green. This looks very sweet and romantic.