MORE MUSIC… More Music… more music

More songs I’d like to point out. Like The Clash song, these will be testosterone tracks.

I’ve featured David Bowie doing “The Man Who Sold The World,” and Nirvana did a cover version, so I’ll include it, even though it isn’t a particular favorite. If Kurt Cobain were alive, I’d tell him there’s nothing chic about heroin use, let alone addiction, especially when you’re found with your brains splattered everywhere. But I would also tell him that I consider “Smells Like Teen Spirit” to be a quintessential Rock track.

[Ah, well, it seems that Universal Music doesn’t want these videos embedded, so guess what? I won’t use them. Bye-bye, Nirvana.]

One of my top three favorite albums ever is Green Day’s American Idiot. All at once it can be considered derivative, calculated, and manipulative, yet sincere, original and compelling. American Idiot is a brilliant accomplishment, standing on the shoulders of the giants who came and went before, and one out of every three times you ask I will tell you it’s my all-time #1 pick. The 20 seconds that start at 4:35 in “Jesus of Suburbia” distill everything that the Sex Pistols and The Clash were all about.

2 thoughts on “MORE MUSIC… More Music… more music”

  1. Hi! I was reading Billie Joe Armstrong’s profile on Wikipedia and he’s one of my favorite singers. The fact he likes Dubya as much as I do is even better! 🙂 I have the Dookie CD and American Idiot will be my next CD purchase.

  2. Ah, yes, Green Day. My Three Stepsons loved this one. At least now I can listen to it with the volumen down, and actually make out the lyrics! 😉

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