Another Secret Project

This secret project is very different from the other secret project. All I’ll say about that one is it involves TV. This one involves comic books, and it relates to the header I just put up. I’ll put it here too, for later when the header has changed.

DogRat blog header

I don’t know yet when this happen. It involves D.F. Rogers, and Paul Howley it involves you too, so write and I’ll tell you what’s up (no, you don’t have to do anything, it’s about something you did ten years ago).

5 thoughts on “Another Secret Project”

  1. Actually, no I didn’t show it to you. I started buying Spider-Man with issue #51, and by the time I had a copy of #50 I doubt you would have seen it.

  2. I’m so ashamed! I should have recognized that cover. I’m sure you showed it to me a thousand times!

  3. I’m looking at the shadow of the legs approaching on the current “DogRat” masthead. It’s only one person, and I assume it’s a man in long pants. Who could it be? The suspense is killing me!

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