To Infinity and Beyond!

With nothing else to do here today in hot ‘n’ sunny AZ, I saw “Avengers: Infinity War.” Last night I did some preparatory homework by watching “Thor: Ragnarok” on Netflix.

Without having the very confusing Thor movie under my story arc belt, I would have been lost trying to follow the start of the even more confusing Infinity War. Having not seen the Black Panther movie, I ended up nevertheless suffering from continuity exhaustion.

Avengers #4, page 4, panel 4, 1964. Art by Jack Kirby and Paul Reinman.

The only thing I didn’t see listed in the closing credits was the kitchen sink, but it must have been in there, because everything else was! Without giving anything away, one comment I will make is there’s a scene in Infinity War that’s identical to Captain America being rescued in Avengers #4 — except it isn’t Cap, it happens in space, and the Avengers aren’t the team that does the saving.

Panel 5. Thor is wrong about Cap. He was a freedom-fighter in WWII, not a crime-fighter.

Oh, wait. There was one other thing I didn’t see in the closing credits. Steve Ditko’s name. He co-created Spider-Man and created Doctor Strange. Maybe he’s in there but I missed it.

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