New York Radio — Scott Muni

Original card provided by Dennis Rogers.


The audio player has two sound clips:  Muni’s theme song, an odd instrumental from 1961 called “Grasshopper Jump,” and Muni’s promo for the WABC Beatles Fan Club.

I don’t remember Scott Muni as well as some of the other WABC disk jockeys, because he left the station in 1965.  Muni is better known as a pioneer of Rock music on FM radio, but he was memorable on AM as a presence during the initial, wild rush of American Beatlemania.

Scott Muni on WABC
Scott Muni on WABC, 1965

3 thoughts on “New York Radio — Scott Muni”

  1. Yes, by fall 1967 (when we entered West Rocks Junior High School), Sean said his dad was at WOR-FM. Kds would try to get tickets to concerts, etc. Sean was always nice to me, and considering he was a “dreamboat,” that was a plus. He would talk to me, because I didn’t fawn all over him. Of course, Stanley Dzimen (I can’t remember how to spell it!) was still around, my eternal knight-in-shining-armor although I was too dense to realize it at the time, so he’d never let me talk to Sean too long!

  2. I. Did. Not. KNOW. That! Or, at least I didn’t remember it! Thanks for that tidbit!

    Wow. That’s something. By ’67-’68, when we were at West Rocks Jr. High School in Norwalk, CT (gotta provide background for any casual reader who stumbles in here), Muni was, I think, at WOR-FM. A real pioneer in moving away from Top 40 AM radio. By that time WABC was perhaps down to a Top 20 playlist. But they mixed in enough older stuff to keep it from being overly repetitive. And kids don’t mind so much repetition anyway.

    Muni later narrated a syndicated Beatles radio show I used to listen to. I found some guy who’s posted some of them and I’ll be providing links to them later.

  3. Dougie, do you remember that Sean Muni, a kid in our OWN CLASS at West Rocks, was Scott’s son? He sat to my left in Mr. Hall’s science class! The kids would bug him about his dad, but he HATED talking about it; he just wanted to be a “regular kid.”

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