Riddles in the Dark

Illustration by J.R.R. Tolkien


A couple of days ago The Boston Globe had an article about a new book that Christopher Tolkien has assembled, called Children of Húrin.  It’s based on fragmentary writings by his father, J.R.R. Tolkien.  If the link above doesn’t work, you can read the article by clicking here.

I have an LP that is unquestionably purely J.R.R. Tolkien.  His narration of “Riddles in the Dark,” from The Hobbit.  The recording provided here is from August, 1952 and it’s half an hour long.  It begins with the introduction of Gollum, and it ends with Gollum’s cursing of Bilbo (“Thief!”).

4 thoughts on “Riddles in the Dark”

  1. Hey, at least you weren’t found unconscious on a rest room floor at the office, with your head in a pool of blood! I’ll never live that one down at work.

  2. Uh, helloooooo. My name is … uh … what is it, again? Seroiusly, Dougie, it’s true what they say about what menopause does to your brain!

  3. Maybe I should have said, “His OWN narration…” It’s Tolkien himself, recorded at a friend’s house.

  4. Love the narrator? Who is it? He rolls those “ARRRRRs” with relish! RRRRuffles have RRRRidges!

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