7 thoughts on “Caption Contest”

  1. Boss Elf: “No, you can’t have a raise for an “ear point sculpture” operation. You’ll ALWAYS be a misfit!”

  2. HERMIE: “But, I just thought it would be a nice change of pace for me this year…”

    BOSS ELF: “Ridiculous! No way! You can NOT go to Honolulu to work at Macy’s Christmas display this year! You’re an ELF! For holly’s sake…You’re supposed to LIKE cold weather!!!”

    (Grumbles to himself): “These kids today…Little wimps!!!”

  3. Hermie – You mean there’s no such thing as . . . an Elves’ Union?

    Boss Elf – Union? If there was a union, do you think they could make us dress like this !?!

  4. I always liked this scene because it started out with Hermie tapping the doll’s teeth and saying, “Now this won’t hurt a bit!”

    Anyway, the dialog:

    Boss Elf: Now LISTEN! We have dolls that cry, walk, talk, blink, and even run a temperature! We don’t need any chewing dolls!”

    Hermie: “I just thought I found a way to fit in.”

    Boss Elf: “You’ll NEVER fit in! Now you come to Elf Practice and learn how to wiggle your ears and chuckle warmly and go hee hee and hoo and all that stuff. A DENTIST! Good grief!

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