
Recently, I offered some Beatles studio session outtakes of HELP! , and before that an outtake of I Feel Fine, and in the comments I made mention of “The Beatles Recording Sessions,” by Mark Lewisohn. As pointed out by best buddy Denro, Lewisohn admits his 1988 book is now superceded by “Recording the Beatles,” a $100 tome that is essentially self-published by its authors, Kevin Ryan and Brian Kehew.

I had no idea of this book’s existence until today. The first printing of 3000 copies is sold out, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the second printing is already spoken for. But I’d better get in line, as this is an irresistable item that, despite the expense, I must have.

Click here to read a New York Times article about Recording the Beatles, and other self-published Beatles books. If that link asks for a registration you don’t want to have, click here instead.

4 thoughts on “Re-recording”

  1. That could also be the case! Hadn’t thought of that one myself. I had read that the joke was in reference to the movie, but knowing John Lennon’s habitual use of double-meaning jokes, having eight Beatles arms holding someone is much more clever.

  2. You know, I always thought that it meant the Beatles’ collective eight arms! I even remember when I first heard the working title, when we wre getting on the bus to go home at the end of what had to be the fourth grade. I think the bus driver had the radio on to WABC and one of the disc jockeys had just gotten the news.

  3. Quick! What term used in the NY Times article was the original working title for “Help?”

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