Aging Sucks

What the heck is this? Three times the AARP has sent me something, acting as if I’m already a member, simply because I’m over (just over) 50. And this will be the third time I ignore them. How much money do they spend trying to move up the aging process? I’m sorry, but this is about them and what they want and not about me. Call me later, AARP, after my ankle is better and I’m running again, when I’m not feeling old.

One thought on “Aging Sucks”

  1. I have you beat! They’ve sent the freaking letter to me SIX times already, and I’m your twin sister! Must be something about being over 50 in PA. Feel sorrier for Tom. Now that he is over 55, he can actually ask for the senior citizen discount at Denny’s, and DOES.

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