Petula Clark – 1961

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Here’s Pet on American TV for the first time, still with her old style and look, and still unknown in this country. Only one month before this she had married Claude Wolff.

Moving to France, close to 30, Pet transformed herself yet again. It was a change for the better, because she was seen as the woman she was, and not as the girl the English remembered.

3 thoughts on “Petula Clark – 1961”

  1. Y’know, I don’t think Pet really was considered to be eye candy. Not at the time, anyway. For one thing, when she hit it big she was ten years older than the ideal age to catch the youth market. Yet packaging her for the Frank Sinatra crowd didn’t quite work, either.

    While Petula was certainly beautiful, it wasn’t until she loosened up that her natural sex appeal showed itself. At 40+ her mannerisms and boby language were her own, and no longer staged, and she was vastly more attractive at that age than she was at 30.

  2. Yes, she is indeed tiny, as will become more obvious in later videos. And very pale, besides.

    You’re hitting upon the theme, if there is one, to the Pet videos. She was pulled into too many different directions. Even in her period of greatest success — ’65 to ’69 — her persona was that of a performer and entertainer. Around the time Petula had her son, shortly before turning 40, she dropped all of the learned affectations of an entertainer and became much more natural.

  3. Poor Pet! It’s amazing she didn’t suffer from musical multiple personality syndrome by the time her handlers got through with her. Meanwhile, she remained eye candy for the guys! She’s so TINY!

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