Unlock A Car With A Tennis Ball?

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/FEB07/TennisBall.flv 400 300]

Is this for real? I’ll leave it to you to try. Don’t blame me if you burn the house down trying to make the hole! If you use a knife instead, don’t cut yourself! And if you haven’t seen a demonstration of key bumping yet, click here.

4 thoughts on “Unlock A Car With A Tennis Ball?”

  1. What?? An Internet video with the demonstration of a false claim used as an excuse to feature a young woman? Say it ain’t so! Maybe it was produced by a tennis ball manufacturer. But isn’t far more likely that you’ll keep a tennis ball with you than your car keys?

  2. I guess the real concern is, now just about anybody can break into any contemporary-style car! EEK!

  3. This is of no use to me since I drive a junky ol 1994 Mazda Prelude with manual locks! Sometimes when it is cold, the locks freeze up, and I jump into whichever door opens, and I pry the lock up with a pair of needle-nosed pliers. I look pretty gross by the time I get finished, screaming and swearing in the cold with no makeup at 6:30 in the morning!

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