Killer Killed Bees

[flv: 400 300]© PBS

What’s killing the bee hives? Bee colony collapse is a serious problem, if you haven’t heard about it. I recorded the last few minutes of a 10-minute report on the PBS News Hour. The complete audio of the report is below.


A report on the bee problem that was presented to Congress last week is at this link in PDF. [Link Here]

4 thoughts on “Killer Killed Bees”

  1. Nelson Muntz from the Simpsons, of course. Although you may have someone else in mind…

  2. Stephen King, and agree with your opinion of the News Hour. I vaguely remember a story about a little boy who liked watching the News Hour so much that his mother had to make it the theme for his birthday party! I’ll try to find the story. Smart kid.

  3. What I appreciate is that The News Hour seems to be immune to hype. Nothing they cover is based on lobbyists or publicists. They home in on stuff that matters, that has consequences.

    I don’t know the answer to the trivia question. Rings a bell with something, but don’t know what.

  4. My goodness! This is the first “mainstream” account I’ve seen of the bee problem. The “edge” groups, like, blame global warming, or even more far-out theories, such as the bees being “taken” by somebody, or something! It’s almost like the bees all went to the corner for a pack of cigarettes, and never returned!

    Totally unrelated pop quiz: A famous person’s father actually DID say he was going out to the corner for a pack of cigarettes, and never came back. Who is he/she?

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