Pratt Porch Project – Days 15, 16

Once again something unexpected came up. But this one wasn’t optional. A lot of dry rot was found under the deck. Fortunately, none of it had reached into the sill of the foundation. Another bad bit of work by whomever did the original construction — there was no flashing! So all of day 15 was spent repairing that and installing flashing. The end result is in the left picture. Day 16 was the completion of the blue board and installation of the outside door. The wall sleeve for the A/C was installed before the blue board went up, but I neglected to mention it.

Pratt Porch Project - Day 15Pratt Porch Project - Day 16Pratt Porch Project - Day 16

4 thoughts on “Pratt Porch Project – Days 15, 16”

  1. Yeesh. Crap work. Doesn’t even classify as being work. Whomever lives in our house after us, they will appreciate that everything we’ve had done has been done right.

  2. Whew! Always something, isn’t it? But that’s the kind of thing you’re happy to find out before something awful happens. When we had our porch redone patio-room style (quite a few years ago now), the carpenter discovered that the timbers of its sill had been hollowed out by carpenter ants at some point in the porch’s history. Someone had discovered that, and “repaired” it by cleaning out the rotten wood and stuffing the hollow space with plastic grocery-store bags. A receipt in one of the bags told us this happened in 1991, during the tenure of the people before the ones we bought the house from.

  3. “Neglected to mention it”??? Jeez, Doug, if I can’t get reliable reporting here I’m going to have to turn to alternate news sources for my Pratt Project updates.

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