Plastic Fantastic Spender

I think this TV commercial is obviously intended to get people into the holiday shopping mood.
[flv:/Video/OCT07/VisaAd.flv 400 300]

The second thing I noticed about this commercial is that it’s a full minute long, which is relatively rare these days. The reason it deserves to be a 60-second spot is the first thing I noticed — the music, which I recognized immediately. It’s by Danny Elfman, from this…
[flv:/Video/OCT07/PeeWeeBigAdventure.flv 400 300]
Tech note: The buzz in the TV commercial is from Comedy Central. Not my fault.

One thought on “Plastic Fantastic Spender”

  1. By the way, the Pee Wee video was taken from yet another LaserDisc that’s 20-something years old, played on a 20-year-old Pioneer LD deck. This isn’t even a particularly impressive disc (note the noisy reds), yet reduced to 400×300 and digitally compressed for Web viewing, it’s obvious that the source is vastly superior to VHS.

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