The Crank Gets The Shaft

When I saw yesterday’s ‘Crankshaft’ I knew it would draw negative responses, and it has, as noted in Editor and Publisher; although so far they’re limited to the blogosphere.


There does seem to be an implicit reference to sexual assault in this cartoon, and I just don’t see anything about that being funny. Also, older women are prime targets for purse snatching, so the pepper spray is justified anyway. But Crankshaft is an unpleasant character, more often portrayed as pathetic than sympathetic, so I guess in that context this gag makes some sense.

5 thoughts on “The Crank Gets The Shaft”

  1. His name is Ed Crankshaft. Ed as in ED. So he’s no threat.

    Don’t be harsh on the Comics Curmudgeon. He’s just another blogging guy like me. It’s a hobby, not a full-time job.

  2. I see the “Comics Curmudgeon” didn’t have the time or energy to comment on this; just as well, as it has been beaten to death. I bet the artist of this strip is feeling pretty contrite right now.

  3. Elderly men are also considered to be easy targets by muggers. The Crankshaft character was illiterate for most of his life, which was a storyline featured some years ago. He learned to read, and during that time the strip was praised.

  4. I clicked on the link of “Editor and Publisher,” and noted the remark comparing Crankshaft somewhat to Archie Bunker, not necessarily reflecting the views of the cartoonist himself. If you remember from the “All in the Family” TV show, the laughs were ON Archie for being such a jerk, not WITH Archie’s point of view. The problem here is that the comic strip ends with Crankshaft getting the last word. Nobody trumps his naive, insensitive remark with the necessary put-down. Everybody knows — or certainly ought to know, in the 21st century — that rape is a crime of abusive brutality.

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