Way To Go BoSox

Well, Boston did it again. Colorado could have tied it up, but it was not to be.
[flv:/Video/OCT07/WorldSeries.flv 400 300]
I admit I’m not a rabid sports fan, but I live in the Boston area, so I’m glad the Curse of the Bambino really is gone, with two World Series wins in four seasons. Before the Red Sox beat Cleveland I heard a sports commentator on NPR say it didn’t matter who won the American League title, because nobody should bet against Colorado.

One thought on “Way To Go BoSox”

  1. Most excellent! The first time they beat the curse, Stephen King, by PURE CHANCE, had chosen that season to co-write a non-fiction book about his beloved Sox with Stewart O’Nan. He recalls this season as one of the happiest periods in his life, icing on the cake, as it were, having survived a near-fatal accident in 1999, and now THIS! And he was there to write it all down.

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