3 thoughts on “Wal*Mart Gift Ideas”

  1. Funny you should mention the dental office recommending that you begin using an electric toothbrush, because my husband just came home from the dentist today, who made the same suggestion.

    He also talked to my husband about the popular teeth whiteners, which we have both wondered about, but never tried yet. The dentist said they leech minerals out of your teeth, and leave them more porous. And more porous teeth means they become even MORE likely to pick up stains! So you have to use the whiteners over and over and over and over… The dentist did not recommend them! Yet, both of us have pretty yellowed teeth, at our age. Sigh. What’s a gal to do???

  2. Very funny. Isn’t that a sander on the left? Yes, we Pratts have always been hard brushers. Molly has inherited the trait, as well. I buy the softest bristles I can, but she wears ’em down in no time flat! I floss and brush twice a day — gently — having endured THREE root canals in the past two years! I’ve never had gingivitis, just receding gums, way back from my twenties. They finally filled them this year.

    I think they have some sort of enamel restoration process now, too, if I’m not mistaken. Big bucks, natch.

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