Graceful Fencing

The 25th anniversary of the tragic death of Grace Kelly was five days ago. Grace started at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts the term after my mother had graduated.

Training at the Academy included an introduction to fencing, which Grace had an opportunity to use in her penultimate movie, The Swan. She played Princess Alexandra, before quitting Hollywood to become a real-life princess.

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Here’s a good trivia question. Who is the younger boy, and what would he later be known for doing?

Kogent Kogen

It was October, 1963, and several Mad staffers were sunning themselves on the sands of the Condado Beach Hotel in San Juan. Arnie Kogen emerged from a dip in the ocean and joined his colleagues.

“How’s the water?” asked Nick Meglin.
“It needs salt,” replied Kogen.

    From The MAD World of William M. Gaines, by Frank Jacobs

I first became aware of Arnie Kogen 40 years ago, around the same time I first saw Mark Evanier’s name in print. Arnie Kogen is a comedy writer with a long list of credits, not the least of which is being the father of Jay Kogen, also a noted writer of funny stuff.

MAD Magazine was my introduction to the humor of Arnie Kogen, whose TV resume includes The Mary Tyler Moore Show, and both of Bob Newhart’s sitcoms. (Oops! Let’s not forget Newhart as a cartoonist in Bob! Don’t know if Kogen wrote for that one.) Kogen also wrote for my late mother’s all-time favorite, The Carol Burnett Show, for which he was nominated, and won, a bunch of Emmys.

Mr. Kogen’s first TV writing job was for The Funny Company, a kid’s show in New York, hosted by Morty Gunty. My Morty Gunty story starts here.

I am indebted to you Arnie Kogen, for appearing out of nowhere to assure me that my letter of complaint to Morty was not the reason why he lost his show.

Morty was the first comic I ever wrote for. I did material for his act and then, in 1963, Morty asked me to write for his kiddie show called, “The Funny Company” It was my first TV writing gig. The show had a good run but then some kid wrote a letter — Doug, kidding! You were not the cause of Morty Gunty losing his TV show. The Funny Company had run its course. Morty was a terrific guy and would have understood your dilemma.

I know of course that it wasn’t my fault, but I had to tell the story from the perspective of how I had felt until I was grown up and had seen enough of life to know better. Mr. Kogen’s comments are here.

In an unbelievable coincidence worthy of Dickens, my twin sister Jean (who writes the Jeanie Beanie comments) dated a nephew of Arnie Kogen. On one occasion in the 1970’s, Kogen was visiting his sister when my sister was there. If only she’d known about the Morty Gunty connection! But it’s just as well, because I was a rabid MAD fan, and would have made a major pest of myself; so today, instead of being so nice to me, Mr. Kogen would be saying, “Oh God, no. Not him!”

Thank you, Arnie Kogen! Besides being one heck of a funny guy, you truly are a gentleman and a scholar. And thanks for helping Morty Gunty make The Funny Company funny!

Alcoholic Creature Feature

Along with The Day The Earth Stood Still in 1950, and Spellbound from 1945, another movie to feature the sound of a Theremin is The Lost Weekend, also from 1945.
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I’m sure you recognize Frank Faylen, who played Ernie Bishop, the taxi cab driver in It’s a Wonderful Life. I inserted the transition after Faylen says “Goodnight” and I chopped out Ray Milland’s escape from the alcoholic ward.

Great stuff with the mouse and bat! I wonder if director Billy Wilder enlisted the services of the technicians at Universal, who did the bats for the Dracula movies?

Bob Dylan’s Dire Warning

On October 1, a big Bob Dylan CD collection is being released. On October 2, D. F. Rogers and I will be seeing Dylan in concert, appearing with Elvis Costello. Dylan has always been forward thinking, and being in the middle of watching Battlestar Galatica on DVD, I’m right with him on this important warning.
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Bismo’s Buddy Wins An Emmy!

I know somebody who knows somebody who’s won an Emmy! In fact, it’s his second such award. Leave it to Bismo to mention it almost as an afterthought in a blog post about beer!

Adam “Mojo” Lebowitz does special effects for the TV show Battlestar Galactica; which, as mentioned previously, we’re watching on DVD with Bismo. The award is for Outstanding Visual Effects for a Series. Here’s Mojo holding his Emmy, dressed for the occasion in Battlestar gear from the original series. Big time congratulations!