Victory In Iraq

I think the September 2008 deadline the Democrats have specified in the House appropriations bill for the funding of the occupation of Iraq is more than generous.

To all of the Republicans in denial of reality who think the pitifully inept George Bush will be hampered by a timetable for troop withdrawl, the whole point to winning is that the ENEMY CAN’T GET BACK UP. The enemy must be DOWN, so that NOTHING the enemy tries to do is effective — whether or not they know the date we’ll be leaving!

If we can’t impose order on Iraq in another 18 months, then it can’t be done. If all is peaceful by then, we won’t need a military presence there, will we? Put up or shut up, Republicans. If George Bush and Dick Cheney were men, and not the chicken hawks they are, they’d accept this deadline as a challenge. “Bring ’em on”.

I wonder how many more American soldiers and civilian contractors will die or be maimed between now and September 2008?

Biting Barack At Hillary

Until today I was only vaguely aware of the Hillary 1984 “Vote Different” ad, but my friend Tom got me to watch it. In case you haven’t seen it, and in case it gets pulled from YouTube, I’ll post it here. See the iPod the woman is wearing?
[flv: 400 300]

Tom did a little research and determined the iPod was added by Apple itself, and that version was the basis for the anti-Hillary edit. For comparison, here’s the original Apple Macintosh TV ad, directed by Ridley Scott, shown during the 1984 Super Bowl.
[flv: 400 295]

A Democratic operative named Phil de Vellis claims credit, or blame, for the video. De Vellis has been fired from a company called Blue State Digital, which is on the Obama payroll. Blue State Digital has released a statement.

The ad is an incredibly stupid stunt, because just like the original commercial it goes after the wrong target. The 1984 ad labeled IBM as The Enemy, when it should have been Bill Gates’ face up on the screen. Hillary isn’t the evil enemy. Bush is.

Although Bush and Cheney must leave office in January 2009, it is absolutely critical to the future of the United States that they be replaced with Democrats. For all anybody knows this early in the game, Hillary and Barack may become running mates.

The fake 1984 ad does nothing to further the Democratic cause. It’s counterproductive, and it smacks of a Republican dirty trick. If de Vellis is, in fact, a Democrat, he should get a clue.