Aqua Teen Terror Force

Aqua Teen Terror Force

Once again, when it mattered most, Boston, Massachusetts, my area of residence, did the wrong thing. Today had some of the most comical examples of incompetence the city and the Commonwealth have ever displayed. Colbert is going to have a blast with this tonight (well, OK, not tonight). Our new governor, Deval Patrick, must be furious to have this as the first crisis of his administration.

Fortunately it was comical, because the last time we screwed up this badly, 11-Sept-01, the outcome was anything but funny. If you don’t know what happened, click here. If that link asks you for a registration that you don’t want to have, click here.

At the moment, reader comments on are mostly critical of the reaction and response by the city and state. Here are a few examples:

…The only people that should get in trouble for this are the idiots that thought they were bombs

…look, i realize that thing arent what they were 10 years ago, but the authorities need to apply common sense to these types of situations instead of rushing into defcon 5. and they can relax with the macho posturing about “getting to the bottom of this hoax” already; you guys look plenty stupid so far, i would suggest you drop it before you embarass [sic] yourselves further. turner and the ad company did nothing wrong, i hope they defend themselves against this “anti-terrorist” dog-and-pony show

…If these devices have been in place in other cities without problems, then it shows what idiots we have running the show in Boston

The terrorists have won! And they didn’t even have to do anything today to succeed. If anything, today’s events highlighted that we have more to fear from the appalling condition of the city’s bridges and overpasses. This thing looks like it’s ready to collapse on its own, no bomb necessary!

Bridge over troubled water

Adams Lane, Norwalk CT


I wish there were some good online aerial photos of this area, instead of just this satellite image. This area shows most of my world for six years while growing up. In the lower, left corner is the Silvermine School. Our house was just below the “n” in Adams Ln. We had 2½ acres. The property was a perfect mix of grassy and rocky, woods and fields, flat and hilly. Here’s to Norwalk!

Eric’s Animé Pick

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We’re currently watching a series called Niea7. Here are the opening and closing credits, followed by one of Dalgit’s Tidbits. Don’t ask for an explanation! I could have included the sub-titles with translation, but it wouldn’t help.

The guy singing the theme song, Sion, makes Bob Dylan sound velvet-voiced! The closing song is a typically happy and sweet female vocal.