Esteban Colberto on Immigration

Stephen Colbert has called in a Mexican immigrant to help him with his show during the WGA strike! Esteban Colberto interviews Lou Dobbs. I’m sure Cousin Lawrie will enjoy this one…
[flv:/Video/2008/JAN/ColbertDobbs.flv 440 330]

3 thoughts on “Esteban Colberto on Immigration”

  1. I knew you’d like it, Lawrie! It appears to me that Colbert first did the bit with Dobbs in English, then edited in his part in Spanish.

    Clinton tried to alleviate what he saw as the coming crisis in immigration, by pushing for NAFTA, which he did at the expense of support by US unions. But as it turned out, China ended up getting most of the jobs that were supposed to keep Mexicans and others from crossing the border. Either way, the unions lose.

  2. Brilliant! Colbert is a genius ~ loved the fence too, which is totally realistic, just like the ones we build on the borders.

  3. Love the suit! Who needs writers? This is one of his best bits yet. Either he was very good in high school Spanish, or he practiced pronouncing it from the prompter for ages.

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