Well, we’re back. We’ve been back for a couple of days, but I’ve been clearing snow and decompressing.

We were in Phoenix with my younger sister’s family, seeing our father and one of our older sisters. We drove down to Tucson to see the Pima Air Museum and Biosphere 2, and we had a wonderful dinner with some old friends, DogRat comment writer Cactus Lizzie and her husband.

The running conditions in Arizona this time of year are ideal! Back home they’re anything but.

Our travels were greatly eased and assisted by a Garmin Nuvi 200. It has a few quirks, but this thing is a tremendously useful tool. The freedom from plotting out a route on a map and the elimination of the stress of searching for signs and exits is worth way more than what it cost — $170 with free shipping from In fact, it’s on sale right now at Amazon for $177.20.

Eric caught a few seconds of video of the Nuvi 200 from the back seat, when we pulling into a shopping center between Tucson and Phoenix to get lunch. This was taken with another nifty new gadget, a Canon Elph SD-1000.
[flv:/Video/2008/FEB/Garmin.flv 440 330]

4 thoughts on “MA AZ MA”

  1. Yikes! That’s a strange angle for Carol; I was going by the upper lip. Jim got sick, too, didn’t he? Haven’t heard back from him. I hope Lawrie gets better, STAT! Our house is getting slammed by yet ANOTHER round of the flu, this time starting with Molly.

  2. That’s Carol in the passenger seat! The GPS has a back seat driver mode. “Slow down! It’s too hot in here!” Kidding!

    We did not meet Dad’s cousin, because she came down with a sudden, serious case of the flu. In fact, it was bad enough that she went to urgent care. Not seeing her was a big disappointment, to say the least, but I had a nice, long talk with her on the phone. She’s one of those people who sounds exactly as she looks.

  3. Welcome back! I can’t wait for the sequels: “Turn Left, Then Turn Left” and then, to mix things up: “Turn Right, Then Turn Left”. These films are great for people with short attention spans.

  4. I see Marianne in the passenger seat. As I recall, she is NOT usually comfortable there! Perhaps your gadget helped. Glad you had a good time, and that you caught up with Cactus Lizzie. Did you manage to meet Dad’s cousin?

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