“Are You Enjoy?”– Pillows Autographs

Special blog post by Eric!

Well, the Pillows thankfully were able to do a second autograph session on the Anime Boston con’s final day, when the crowds were far thinner as many failed to return, probably either due to Easter or frustration/fatigue over the madness of the last two days. The con organizers finally managed to do something efficiently: the hundred people who were allowed autographs each got a ticket that guaranteed them one.

There was a short Q&A panel immediately before, where we learned that neither the name “the pillows” nor the “Sweet Irene” mentioned in one of their songs have any real significance. When asked of what they thought of their American fans that can’t understand Japanese, they replied with “Well, we’re fans of all this American music we can’t understand!” And on their frequent use of big sunglasses: “Rock Star!”

The Pillows at Anime Boston 2008

It’s rather jarring to see how grizzled Suwao and the others have become in the eight years since the anime FLCL rocketed their popularity around the world–compare the vibrantly youthful, scrubbed-clean faces in the “Ride On Shooting Star” video to the craggy jowls, Mick Jagger hair, and flagrant unshavenness in the picture I took. Clearly this isn’t just the result of the trio having two hours of sleep in almost two days, they look exactly like this in their latest music videos. They’re getting older, the band’s had its twentieth anniversary last year. Though for all I know, this could be an intentional, gradual “image” update to coincide with that!

Autographed Pillows CD

I bought their spectacular latest album “Wake up!” at double the list price (you have to expect such things buying Japanese imports at cons), and as you can see, it was signed shortly afterwards by all three of them! Interestingly, the only discernible signature is that of vocalist-guitarist-frontman Suwao, first from the right in the photo.

“Are you enjoy?” was an amusing bit of Engrish repeatedly shouted by them at the concert.

One thought on ““Are You Enjoy?”– Pillows Autographs”

  1. What? Japanese rock stars age, too? NAH! Eric must have been in heaven. Say, were the organizers American or Japanese? In any case, the organization was just plain awful!.

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