The Dubuque View of ‘Schulz and Peanuts’

Progress! Schulz and Peanuts by David Michaelis has been read in Dubuque, IA. The Telegraph Herald has a review. Now that the book has received attention in Dubuque, perhaps this means we’re getting closer to the end of its lifespan. The reviewer questions nothing in the book, and in fact he concludes that the book had a positive effect on his view of Schulz.

I gained an even greater appreciation of the man who drew each and every one of the 17,897 “Peanuts” comic strips. He was a genius, yet filled with anxieties and insecurities. As one of my personal heroes, there’s something reaffirming to know that even people like Charles Schulz are only human.

He also says,

Perhaps the biography’s greatest controversy comes through a revelation that Schulz had an affair near the end of his first marriage.

A little more online research would have led him to realize that Schulz’s affair is actually one of the less controversial aspects of the story, because it was on the table for inclusion from the outset. I would have added a comment to the review, but it required an online account, and I have enough online accounts.

3 thoughts on “The Dubuque View of ‘Schulz and Peanuts’”

  1. So said Ralph at Spoiled Sport Motors in the City of Emphysema! (Or so my Firesign Theatre memory tells me.)

    One of the WordPress options is to require an account and logon to enter a comment. I don’t do that, of course, but because of spam I found it’s essential that comments be held for approval.

  2. I couldn’t add anything to your comments above. It’s another sort of know-nothing review, a bit lazy. Well, I’ve read dozens just like it. All these months later, I really have a case of “so what?” about reviews like that. Of course, speaking of lazy, I don’t have ANY online accounts! If I have to sign up to do anything, I move on. I do add my viewpoints to several websites on subjects that might surprise you, but I only do so if I don’t have to join. What a loser, huh?

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