Just Another Mega Sunday

There’s a lot I want to post, including Hillary, and J.K. Rowling at Harvard this past week. As I write this I’m converting a video of Petula’s recent BBC TV appearance, which required a massive amount of editing to be put right from shaky source material.

But I want to say that I’ve been getting a lot of flak, mostly via e-mail, about the K3 posts. Sorry, but I’m just not going to back down on this! In fact, I’m going to push back even harder with another Flemish act for kids. Meet MEGA MINDY!

Somebody should tell Yvonne “Batgirl” Craig about this!

4 thoughts on “Just Another Mega Sunday”

  1. Mega Mindy is de grootste combinatie van de Super-Heroes en popmuziek ooit gedaan!

    Sorry, I had to do that, courtesy of Google translator.

    This is a classic combination of super-hero archetypes, from the Billy Batson/Captain Marvel style transformations to the Wonder Woman/Diana Prince or Superman/Clark Kent love triangle with Steve Trevor/Lois Lane. The costume is great, with wrist bands, utility belt and cool boots. The “M” symbol left at the scene of the wrapped-up crime is classic. This really reminds me of the “Batmania” days of my youth, in 1966-1967. Add all that up, and then top it off with a great theme song (well constructed, with great dynamics and a catchy chorus) – all I can say is – YOW! It’s Super-Heroes and Rock and Roll!

    They really need to bring this to the USA! The song was #1 for four weeks on Belgium’s “Ultrapop Charts” (similar to Billboard). If you look on YouTube, you will see that it inspired dozens of little Belgian kids to dress up as Mega Mindy! This is much better than the Pink Power Ranger, just one of a group, about the only similar hero I can think of from the recent past.

    This video of a school show really illustrates the effect Mega Mindy has had over there. Being of a fan of comics and Super-Heroes, it makes me smile. I think anyone who ever tied a towel around their neck and ran around the house as Superman or Batman can identify with this. Plus the boys get to wear masks and play air guitar! What can be better? Mega Mindy!


  2. Snappy! Remember “Mork and Mindy?” And yes, she sure does seem to be channeling “Batgirl. Speaking of female superheroes, did you hear that bizarre story about formal ‘Wonder Woman” star Lynda Carter coming up a dead body while fishing alone on a lake recently? Weird!

    Here it sounds a lot like German.

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