The Great Jun-Nov Waste

How can anybody not already be sure whether they’re voting for McCain or Obama in November? Millions of dollars will go to TV networks and stations, and I think it’s a waste of money, because everything that everybody needs to know to make a decision is already known, and from here on out all there will be are personal attacks.

I’m appalled by the Hillary supporters who are so strident in their refusal to vote for Obama. They’re negligent if they don’t vote, and those who vote for McCain are outright fools, because they’ll be voting against their own interests and further undermining the Democratic Party.

After Hillary’s divisive campaign I don’t want to see her as Obama’s running mate. If I were Obama I’d offer Secretary of State to Hillary and caution her to think before she refuses. And if she balked anyway and insisted on VP, I’d knock the offer down to Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare, take it or leave it.

If Hillary does end up on the ticket, then I will think that Obama isn’t perhaps as tough and willing to play hard ball as he should be, but I certainly wouldn’t vote for McCain. I can’t understand why he’s viewed in polls as being better equipped to handle Iraq. With 80% of Americans unhappy with the direction of the country, why vote for somebody who wants to keep things the way they are?

15 thoughts on “The Great Jun-Nov Waste”

  1. Hi! I was on the blog Buzzflash a bit ago and they reminded me of another forthcoming problem-the GOP machine tampering every 4 years. They held a conference in Ohio about tampering in 2004 and have proof a Bush sympathizer/ computer programmer diddled with the machines in Bush’s favor. They want to prosecute this jerk and keep this crap from happening this year. Apparently quite a few high-level Repubs could be charged. Of course they’d lie their way out of it or like Rove, claim immunity. I’m not a religious person by any means, but I’d love to know that these people are going to rot in Hell for all their lies.

  2. Well, I’m still shaking my head but i knew it was inevitable…Checked the Yahoo news and in big letters it said, “Evangelicals Go For McCain”. No sur-freaking-prise!!! I mean how did I know they would not back a young liberal black man? Because it would be a COLD day in Hell if they did! I can’t help but feel besides the abortion and gay rights issues that racism played a big part in this. OR those evangelicals really love the idea of our soldiers and citizens and Iraqi soldiers and citizens being killed or badly injured for “…the next hundred years!”. Not to mention possibly Iranian soldiers and citizens. So I believe you could have Jesus running as the Democratic candidate and those dere evangelicals would turn him down. I mean-HEY! Those evangelicals must wanna blow dem foreigners and muslims straight to Hell. And they won’t vote for a black Democrat because of the white robe and hood in some of their closets. I’m almost certain of that, especially radical fanatics.

  3. Hi Doug! I have a case of the STUPIDs in that I insulted your German readers by not naming Chancellor Merkel as Angela. I apologize and am not sure where Andrea came from. Maybe that’s what Bush called her in that outtake! I like Chancellor Merkel and she must have the patience of a saint to have to deal with Bush and still smile in photos with him! By the way, I heard on CNN that not only do some NYC stores take the Euro, but supposedly there is talk that the US could switch to the Euro. If I had false teeth I would’ve dropped them, but it was said twice-so I wasn’t hearing things.

  4. Hi! Cactus Lizzie–that would help people to understand that not everyone in the US is in favor of Dubya! I’m just surprised that people in Europe and even South America don’t realize that-since CNN has international channels and at least CNN and the BBC have carried stories of our dissension with Bush. And the fact that entertainers and even sitcoms have poked fun of Bush and his lack of smarts. Dave mentioned Gordon Brown’s gaffes and the BBC World Service and even comedian Graham Norton have unflattering stories of Brown. I guess it depends on how much their media shows, how much international programming from the US they see and hear, and how much they see from the internet. There are so many Anti-Bush websites-some serious and some hilariously biting and funny. Yahoo has a huge listing as “Anti-Bush Websites”. If I emigrated I’d put a sign on my place and on a t-shirt with an unflattering picture of Bush and “Don’t hate me! I didn’t vote for him…twice!”.

  5. Joan, my husband and I have friends in both Argentina and Germany. We have spent some significant time in both countries. In Germany, one guy in Seyda, a small village we were living in for a little while, didn’t even want to meet us. That is, until he learned that we didn’t support George Bush’s politics, nor this war dragging on in Iraq. He assumed that most Americans agreed with their President.

    As for our Argentine friends, they say they don’t like Americans because of our country’s arrogance, but “you’re different.” It was the same during the Viet Nam era. My husband, who at the time was a foreign exchange student living in an Argentine town in the pampas region, kept telling these same Argentine friends that he was an American who did NOT agree with our presence in Viet Nam. But they seem to think that people like us are just a very tiny minority.

    My husband’s Argentine “sister” in his host family, said to me in an email that if there are many “good” Americans who are against the war in Iraq, why did our country re-elect George Bush to a 2nd term? I had to explain, and it was embarrassing to me, that there were many Americans who didn’t believe in “changing horses in mid-stream” in the last election, while our country was at war. I said many Americans were very spooked after 9/11, and were afraid of being attacked again.

    Then I told this Argentinean that my husband and I did NOT vote for George Bush (nor his father either!) ever. I told her that there were other Americans, too, who didn’t want George W. Bush re-elected. But what was I gonna do? Go into the whole “hanging chad” thing, of Bush vs. Al Gore for President? I just ended by sayiing that, like in Argentina’s political history, sometimes we’ve been stuck with a President who becomes very unpopular. She seemed to understand that!!! Which reminds me; I should email her now about how low Bush’s approval rating is these days!

  6. Hi! It’s a shame that religion and politics are so intertwined in the US and it’s scary too. I know not every church is a GOP office with a steeple, and Cactus Lizzie, your pastor friend sounds great! It’s just some churches are so different from how it was in the stories my grandmother,(1912-1998), told of her younger days at a small local Baptist church. They learned right and wrong straight from the Bible and politics was taboo in church. Now I hear some stories from local people how they left their church because it was too political and GOP-leaning…… Believe me, Doug I’ve thought of emigrating too-Canada, the UK, and Australia were my choices, but just not financially feasible right now-I can dream about it:-) and put it on my goal list! I’d love to be a fly on the wall when other nation’s politicians talk about Dubya. Don’t know if you’ve seen the outtake where he said something to Germany’s Andrea Merkel and she looked like she was ready to whomp him one! I’d love to know what she was thinking!

  7. My husband and I have a friend who is a pastor. His family is also a military family. He said, years ago, that he didn’t see how it was possible these days to be both a Republican AND a true Christian.

    Jesus never represented the interests of either the rich or the chief priests and scribes (who also lived comfortably). He said it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Not because making or having money is inherently bad, but because it corrupts, and people are seduced into loving what their money can buy more than serving God.

    If Jesus were here today and running for President, do you think he’d be aligned with the Republican platform? I think he would do what he did before: appeal to the poor, those who are discriminated against, the disadvantaged… I don’t think Jesus could run as a Republican politician, even if he requested acceptance into the GOP. I think he’d be seen like he was before: a radical, a potential troublemaker who might upset the balance of power in the country.

  8. For about six years I was very much a church going Christian by choice. I don’t make a big deal about it here, but it was, at the time, a very big deal. I wish I had an answer to your question, Joan.

    I’ve been known to joke that the New Testament begins with the all-time classic theme “teen girl in trouble.” The reaction it gets is one of many good tests to size up the sort of Christian you’re talking to. Some laugh and say yes, Joseph had a tough decision to make. Others are shocked. They’re the same ones who don’t like being reminded that Jesus was himself a Jew.

  9. Can anyone explain to me why evangelicals and other Christians go to the GOP, even though it’s the party behind: war, lying to get people behind the war, lying about torture, greed and lying to cover up greed, spending money that could help your own country instead of spending it to ruin other countries and kill their people and your own by lying, and even having your minister lying about the GOP. I don’t get it. WHERE ARE ETHICS?!! Has having greed, falsehoods, murder, and hatred of your own countrymen (espoused on conservative radio, including all the thinly disguised anti-Obama racism) become the new Bible, a New GOP Testament? It sure isn’t your grandfather’s religion!

  10. Ah-HA! NOW I get capice, Doug wants an excuse to bug out. Actually, I don’t blame you. With rumblings of war in Iran before we even GET to the polls, I’m terrified that Bush will invoke that creepy martial law rule, and we won’t even be able to vote for Obama/?????

    I DO think your ideas of what Obama should do with Hillary are excellent. It would be a grievous error for him NOT to include her. Their recent joint appearance points to the fact that she’s not going away, not just yet!

  11. It’s going to be difficult to extricate ourselves from Iraq, even with Obama as President. Can you imagine with McCain, whose views are more alligned with the current administration, than the Democrats?

    But besides the Middle East situation, there’s another “Gulf War” brewing, I fear, right here in the U.S. The gulf between the middle class and the very rich, which is growing wider even more quickly lately due to the price of energy skyrocketing. According to what I’m hearing on various financial TV channels, there is a lot of commodities speculation going on, including this spike in oil prices. Do you really think those hedge fund managers on Wall Street, who quite literally make millions and millions of dollars, really care about the middle class? They will still be able to afford to fuel their private jets and limos, and pay their limo drivers.

    The Republicans favor keeping tax breaks and loopholes in place for the wealthiest families in America, and the companies they run. Meanwhile, there never seems to be a “good” time to Republicans to raise the minimum wage. The economy is either too weak, or it’s doing great and we shouldn’t put the brakes on prosperity. Prosperity for WHOM?

    How anybody can still buy the “trickle down” theory of prosperity from the Reagan era is beyond me. Those extra drops that escape the rich reach only a lucky few. Just look at what happened in Atlantic City, New Jersey, when casino gambling was introduced. Walk only a short distance away from the casinos, and you begin to see how very little of that wealth found its way into the local economy of the Atlantic City residents.

  12. If McCain wins in November, it’s time to move to Belgium. Why do you think I did all of those K3 and Mega Mindy posts? Just in case! 😉

  13. Hi Doug! I was going to say “Why?” is because most people unfortunately are STUPID! And unfortunately it sounds like our candidate and our party have the STUPIDS as well! I don’t trust polls because they seem to always lean in favor of the GOP and most of the people who answer them are-well, STUPID! If Hilary’s supporters are that @&%#-ing (yup, I used THAT word too!) STUPID, then they are doing to our party what Idiot Bush did to the damn country and are no better than the hypocritical GOP!

  14. Don’t even get him started, Brian! or me, for that matter. I see we share an eclectic taste in music.

    As for the political end of things, I am truly severely depressed and unsure as to what to do next. Obama offering to pay off Clinton’s campaign’s debts strikes a sour chord with me. Maybe it’s the old white, middle-aged female thing. When I get a severe gut reaction to somebody, or something, I am often right. Obama is just as bad as McCain, and just as dangerous.

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