Header or Tales

At the moment, this is the header image:

Click to enlarge

In case you’re wondering, that’s the Music Shed at Tanglewood in Lenox, MA. I’m not sure yet what the next header is going to be. I have a couple of different ones ready, so maybe I should flip a coin. Or maybe not, because one of them is K3!

3 thoughts on “Header or Tales”

  1. I certainly have a lot of tastes that are in the mainstream — Peanuts, Beatles, etc. But I am also very eclectic and I enjoy things that are different, like K3, because they offer an alternative to more conventional offerings.

    And speaking of something completely different, McCain’s VP pick is the first Palin I’ve heard of since Monty Python’s Michael Palin.

  2. Hi! I find K3 a welcome change after all the political stuff! The only political thing I will mention is that ol’ sly dog McCain must really be after the votes of the women for Hilary and wants to keep a division going. Just think, he could’ve done an Arnold and picked K3 as his VP’s!

  3. In order to escape K3, the girls and I may all have to go on an expedition to K2! 😉

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