When on Windows XP…

My twinster Jean is, as I write this, on the phone with Microsoft, trying to recover her computer from a bad case of malware. Whatever it is, it deleted the point-in-time copies of the Registry, preventing her from running a system restore.

From this sort of incident, I guess I’d have to say that Vista is the right version of Windows for most people, because it intercepts every attempt to install anything. It’s just too dangerous to be collecting mail and browsing the Web when logged on as an administrator.

My recommendation is that if you’re a typical Windows XP Home user, create a restricted user account and use that for mail and browsing. The only time you should be in as an administrator is if something won’t install in the restricted account and you are sure you want to install it.

3 thoughts on “When on Windows XP…”

  1. Matt Lauer came right out and said that even though he had seen the thing in rehearsal three times already, he felt both awe-inspired and … really intimidated. The NBC Chinese analyst quickly said that there had been a LOT of pressure on the performers to smile more as they performed. Even the women, as beautiful as they were in their costumes, were scary! What this shindig needed was … K3!

  2. Well, you’ve got me puzzled, because in a non-administrative Windows XP account there’s only so much malware can do, and it shouldn’t be able to get into the Registry and system files as badly as this one seemed to do.

    The opening pageant was impressive, especially in HD, but many of the displays had an almost creepy aspect to them, harkening back to the Communist regime days.

  3. Here’s the latest. I was not logged on as an administrator. Tom explained he knew that was not safe. He DOES have to do that at work, since he wrote the programs for all the electrical systems for the machines at the steel mills. Only he can reprogram them; hence, the panicky calls at 3 a.m.! We DO have a restricted user account for mail and browsing. What went wrong is, I did not have an active Virus/Spyware on my computer. I find the McAfee tends to slow my computer down, even when it’s turned “off.” However, it was McAfee that finally quarantined the evil Trojan that clobbered my Windows XP! It couldn’t kill it, but at least it put it maximum security.

    When Doug and I were born, nobody had PCs. Naturally, we are all electronic junkies now! Here’s an interesting point: At my house we watched the opening ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics last night. The special effects were mind-blowing! At the end of one especially showy number, using undulating blocks, which HAD to be electronic! What do they do? THOUSANDS of guys pop up, showing that it had all been done manually with incredibly timed choreography. Scary.

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