18 thoughts on “Black November”

  1. Yes, Dave, if McCain gets in and continues the way Bush has this country going, there will be a second Great Depression and what a mess that will be. We’ll go from the richest country in the world to poverty in no time. That’s what this country gets for giving 2 presidential terms to a total idiot! THANK YOU, REPUBLICANS!

  2. Aye Joan, Russell Brand knows a thing or two!!!

    I don’t think there is much doubt that only the nut cases over here want McCain to be president…. bringing the thread back to its original topic. He just seems like a tired old man with not much knowledge about anything, especially the economy, and his VP is simply too frightening for words, and there’s that heartbeat thing which, particularly i this case, scares the hell out of me.

    I have an American friend who pointed out that the current vp was Bush’s best chance of avoiding any assassination attempts. ANYTHING was bettter than Dick, even DubYa!!!!!

  3. Hi! A trip for me would include England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. 2 of my aunts traced our Irish ancestry back quite a ways, but we also are represented by Scotland and England and wouldn’t be surprised to find Welsh relatives! A Scotsman I love to hear talk is Craig Ferguson. He likes Dubya about as much as I do! And let’s hope, as Russell Brand said-the US makes Barack Obama president and the British Isles, Europe and the rest of the world can give a big sigh of relief!

  4. Thank you Dave for the kind words and I love all those jazz and pop entertainers you mentioned! Now that I’m 46 I’m renewing an early love of the standards and am saddened that alot of our great stars have passed on. I still like rock music and in the 80’s was a hair metal and new wave fan-still am-but I also like blues, disco and new age! A great DVD set advertised here by Guthy-Renker marketing is a 26 or so DVD collection of Dean Martin’s Variety show from the 60’s and 70’s with alot of those great stars. Over time I purchased the whole set and it’s like a shrine to American pop culture of that time. I think I like British TV comedy, mystery, drama and movies because your stars are unique as were the musical stars you mentioned. It just feels to me like here we have a glut of “stars” of dubious talent and they don’t impress me. I’m sorry I haven’t mentioned Scotland more here, but yes Scotland is very important to me because I have Scottish, Irish, British ancestry, plus French, German and Dutch!

  5. Well, thank you, on behalf of the UK Joan. LOL. You will be most welcome, and of course, you should come to Scotland.

    There are many fabulously talented American artistes too, of course. I mean, American films and comedy shows certainly used to be the mainstay of our entertainment here, and from a musical point of view, until the Beatles made British music popular, everything was American. (or so they tell me). There can hardly be more talented people than Ella Fitzgerald, Frank Sinatra, Lena Horne, Peggy Lee, Dean Martin, ….. ooooooh the list goes on and on….

  6. I will Dave! Thanx for the info.! I’m so into British TV and film and love to read Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple and Poirot and the Sherlock Holmes collection on dark and rainy and cold and snowy days. If it weren’t for you talented and imaginative Brits, I’d be lost! And getting into BBC radio shows will be fun. One of these days I plan to vacation in the U.K. I am afraid of flying, but I’ll put on a brave front and take a pre-flight Valium! There are so many places I want to see! Cheerio!

  7. Joan… might have been Rory Bremner.

    If you get a chance to see Bremner, Bird and Fortune, on cable or dvd, then I suggest you give it a try. Political satire at its very best.

  8. At one time our PBS station carried “Yes, Prime Minister”, but that’s the most recent comedy in a political vein that they’ve shown! I’ve seen DVD’s available of current and more recent shows of course. I’ll check out more of the radio shows on the BBC stations too. Thought of some more shows I like: Mr. Bean (I can even watch it on Spanish-language Univision!), Jeeves & Wooster, To The Manor Born, A Man & His Dog (the Border Collie sheep-corraling competition show-yes, I do like that!), All Creatures Great And Small, early Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Father Ted, The Vicar of Dibley, and a whole bunch more. I love the Scottish spelling-my cable box on-screen TV schedule offers Canadian spelling, of course which is the same, and I use it for fun! I love Lenny Henry, and Chef, and was tickled pink when he and Dawn French married. On the last Graham Norton Show I saw, a comedian I saw did great imitations of Tony Blair, Gordon Brown & Dubya and I wish I could remember his name.

  9. Certainly true that we seem to do humour here rather well… (sorry about the Scottish spelling of everything… humour, colour, programme, etc). The sit-coms you mention are all great, and there’s a wide range of humour there. A lot of it is built on the class system and the “keeping up with the Joneses” attitude that still prevails here. Older comedy tends to be rather smutty, and fiull of double entendres… Carry On films, Benny Hill, etc, and newer stuff is much more sophisticated. I think one of the things we are good at is political satire, and for a satirical look at the weeks events there is nothing better than “The News Quiz” on BBC Radio 4. Actually it starts again for a new series this Saturday, and is available on the BBC website (BBC.co.uk/radio4) for listen again, for a week after it has been broadcast. I recommend it for an insite into political humour from some of our brighter comics. As for the politics, I fear that there is probably as much skullduggary as you have. Remember that Northern Ireland is a part of the UK!!

  10. Hi! Whoa, this is a change of topic, but yes, gotta love those British wits! I love Hitchcock too and anything starring Peter Sellers, plus a bunch of films. Woo! Bloody hot flash woke me up! I like in Britcoms and sketch comedy: Last of the Summer Wine, Waiting For God, As Time Goes By, Keeping Up Appearances, Monty Python, Benny Hill, The Goodies, Doctor In The House, A Fine Romance, and a bunch more. I also like Poirot w/David Suchet, Miss Marple w/Joan Hickson and now Geraldine McEwen, Lovejoy, Midsomer Murders, plus Top Gear, Graham Norton Show, and many more. My favorite veterinarian, Dr. Nicol, is a transplanted Brit here via Jamaica, and at one cat’s annual we talked for about a half-hour about our favorite British shows while one of our cats was being examined and I was holding her. Since Dr. Nicol is about 58 he told me about shows he grew up with. He is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, which means he’s very well educated in the latest techniques.

  11. I’m a confirmed Anglophile, and not just for British 60’s Rock. My favorite movie directors are Alfred Hitchock (who, yes, spent more time in Hollywood than England) and Michael Powell (not to be confused with Colin’s son, the former FCC chairman).

    I have the complete Monty Python TV series on DVD (including the lesser, post-Cleese installments), I loved Black Adder (Rowan Atkinson had toured live with Python), the silliness of “Red Dwarf”, and even “Keeping Up Appearances” for a while. But please don’t ask me to watch “Are You Being Served?” Faulty Towers is also enjoyed, but repeated viewings are appreciated more for Connie Booth than for Cleese.

  12. Wow, Dave, my bubble is bruised but not burst…yet. I must be basing my opinion of Brits on what I’ve read, watched and heard in the media, but even expatriat Brits I know and people in Britain my sister communicates with at her job at Glaxo Smith Kline seem to know so much more about why these last 8 years here have been such a fiasco. I just appreciate the knowledge of the Brit, the British media, and the great British sense of humor-No wonder BBC America and Britcoms on public TV are so popular here -we need that to get thru these screwy times! Can there really be as much fearmongering and all this religious witch hunting in British elections as here? SAY IT ISN’T SO, DAVE! 🙂 PS: If Doug blogs about British humor I’d love to hear your take-I myself watch more British shows than ours, except for American sports.

  13. Well, thank you Joan for your kind words, but I have to say that there are the same moronic voting patterns in Europe, including the UK. I’m afraid you guys don’t have a monopoly on that.

    I seriously cannot imagine a black prime minister here, nor a cabinet minister for that matter, although there was one black junior minister here not long ago.

    Experience of Mrs Thatcher put us off having women prime ministers, probably for about 100 years I would think.

    As far as religion goes, we’ve not had one pm since Disraeli who was anything but Christian, mainly Church of England. Never Roman Catholic. And members of the royal family are forbidden to marry outside of the Church of England, on pain of losing their rights of succession and all the money and perks that go with it. Needless to say they almost never give that up. Prince Michael of Kent married a catholic from Austria about 35 years ago, and was immediately removed form his place in line of succession (although as he was very far down the list it didn’t make that muich difference).

    We’re not very bright at all here.

  14. Dave proves my point that the British are smarter and have more common sense than most people here. In America we use the most stupid criteria in choosing who to vote for and don’t use the little intelligence we were given. If Barack loses due to a combination of bigotry and religious hysteria, then that’s a sad commentary on what people have learned from the Bible and 2008+ years of history. Our 232 year history of the government of the USA and the 388 years of settlement haven’t taught us a damn thing either apparently in morals,ethics and tolerance. Since the 2000 election I wish my ancestors had stayed in the U.K. and Europe! Certainly now we’re seeing the results of Good Ol’ American cheating, dishonesty and stupidity of 2000 and 2004, and that great free enterprise system! God Help America!

  15. This piece in the NYT was pointed out to me by tastewar:

    In short, the political campaign to transform Mr. Obama into a Muslim is succeeding. The real loser as that happens isn’t just Mr. Obama, but our entire political process.

    If Obama is going to lose, it shouldn’t be because he’s only half-white, or because of lies and misconceptions. But even those who know he’s a Christian are able to point to radical preacher Jeremiah Wright as a problem. I feel Obama handled him correctly. He gave Wright the opportunity to shut the “f” up, and he didn’t, so he denounced him.

  16. If skin colour is any kind of issue in the 21st century, I think we need to take a very long, very hard look at ourselves. The we need to get over ourselves.

    You guys in the USA need the very best president you can get yourselves and the rest of the world kinda needs that too.

    I mean the very best, regardless of the colour of his or her skin. Because the next few years are going to be tough.

    In my opinoin, if America decides that an old grey man is better than a young black one, then, as you say Doug, America deserves whatever comes its way.

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