13 thoughts on “GOP glop”

  1. Cool Doug! Just a little more Hanna news, then I’m done. Right now we’re getting walloped with wind-driven rain, but luckily there is dry air coming into Baltimore now, and it’s pushing the rest of this mess up and out to the north and northeast. I’ll just be glad when it’s outta here! That said, when I got the mail earlier and the temp. was 73, the humidity 100% and the dewpoint 75 and to breathe you were like “Eep! Eep!” because it was so humid. Just hope this is gone soon or I’m gonna need an ark!

  2. I know this is off-topic, unless you count all the hot air that has been spinning around Wash., DC today! We’re in some of the final throes of Hanna and have had heavy rain but not as much as I thought.

  3. paul, I’m so upset by the whole circus I feel guilty voting for either party! My spirituality is based on Christ’s teachings, but certainly not any church in particular. I agreed to let my husband raise our daughter as a Catholic, but at 18, SHE gets to choose. She has already told me she wants OUT then, and I certainly would not stand in her way! However, I will say that the particular Catholic School she attended was excellent and not as bad as others about ramming religion down her throat. Worse yet are yer bible-thumpers around here who scream that Obama is a Muslim and say that the Earth is only 6,000 years old! If you even say the world “evolution,” they freak!

  4. Hi! I thought I’d calm down after my first comment since I promised myself and my IBS that I would stop my ranting comments. I guess I’m stunned more GOP dissension wasn’t heard over Sarah Palin’s situation, but I shouldn’t judge her or anyone in her daughter’s shoes since we are all human and have done things that afterward made us go “HUH?”. I liked what you said, Paul, about when man is involved it’s bound to be screwed up! That is very true about alot of things when you think about it! Right now I’m concerned about Hurricane Ike. It’s a very dangerous category 4 and may hit Fort Lauderdale if it goes to Florida next week. It may also go between Florida and Cuba and end up in the Gulf. It may also be driven back to the Atlantic due to a front in the southeast US. That’s what we want. The islands and Haiti have had enough, as has the Gulf. I don’t even want Hanna and I’ll be so glad when December gets here!

  5. Joan,
    I can certainly understand your feelings. That’s why I keep my relationship with my Creator as a direct personal thing…no intermediates are needed.

  6. Paul, as someone raised in the Catholic church who hated every minute of it I know they made no sense to me with their rituals and the sameness of EVERY mass. I learned NOTHING! That is why I learned from my Baptist grandmother (whose church my father would not allow me to attend because when Mom married him she had to put in WRITING my sister and I would be raised Catholic. Thankfully we went to public school!). I did not later join my grandmother’s church because she stopped going due to a new preacher who preached the GOP gospel. She was Republican at the time but hated this new minister. I agree totally in the personal relationship with God but refuse to go to or join a church because all I hear is how the minister is preaching his political views in our area churches. I blame the GOP and Religious Right for that. And as long as that is going on, well, no thank you. It’s just about turned me off religion altogether.

  7. Yup, back to God’s Own Party hypocrisy. Rudy had a wife AND mistress…and we have a teenage pregnancy in the VP’s family–“but, hey, if they are our party’s hope for 4 more years of ignoring the middle class, the health care crisis and problems here at home, the hell with caring for the little guy! Let’s have more war and run the country in a bigger hole! Amen! Hallelujah!”.

  8. Doug,
    I know I can’t convince an Obama-fan of this…(but it’s my opinion)..Obama is truly a dangerous choice. Bush has been terrible but that doesn’t mean that we should just accept an inexperienced guy like Obama. He has already exhibited terrible judgement by his choice of 20 year long relationship with a racist pastor, terrorist William Ayers, dealings with Chicago crook and slumlord Tony Rezco, and his pick of one of the least supported Democrats who has failed 3 times to run for Democrat president Joe Biden. Imagine the fall-out from Obama’s poor decision making when the decisions actually matter. John McCain is NO better. He chose a VP candidate for one reason only..she has ovaries…that’s her only similarity to Hillary Clinton, but somehow McCain thought that she would get the votes of those former Hillary supporters.
    As far as the Assembly of God church’s views on the Catholic Church…that view is held by many Christian churches. There’s a lot of Scripture that indicates just that…the Catholic Church COULD be the Great Satan refered to…I’m not a Bible scholar, although i read it every day, so I guess we’ll have to just wait and see. This doesn’t mean that Catholic people are the Great Satan…just the corrupt organization. (and by the way, many organized Protestant churches are screwed up too…when “man” is involved, it’s bound to be screwed up. I don’t believe that God ever intended there to be denomonations…He intended us to have a personal relationship with HIM…not all of these silly made-up rules that denomonations have created.

  9. Yes, it was. But I wonder if Rudy knows that the Assembly of God church, which Sarah Palin attends, doesn’t care for Catholics? At least it didn’t 30+ years ago when I was going to one. I heard the preacher at an Assembly of God church say, “the Vatican is a house of Satan.”

    McCain and Bush Jr. are similar in several ways. Neither is intellectually motivated or curious, neither is a master of detail, and both make impulsive decisions without much thought behind them. Putting Sarah Palin on the ticket is the latest example.

    McCain is offering nothing in the way of ideas that’s any different than what we have right now, and what we have right now isn’t good. We need somebody who is reasonable and thoughtful, and that’s Obama.

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