Super K3

While awaiting the results of the MRI of my lower back, I shall cheer myself up with the lovably likeable ladies of K3. The Belgian beauties must not be confused with the Hungarian band K3. I don’t know who had the name first, but I know who should stop using it.

Studio 100 has done very well with Free Souffriau as Mega Mindy, so it only makes sense they’d give Karen, Kristel and Kathleen a shot at playing superheroes.

[flv: 450 360]

In this quickie video the girls strut their stuff live, in their more familiar go-go boots…

[flv: 440 330]

… and here’s a featurette about the making of a K3 video. I don’t have to tell you that’s Kristel Verbeke on the left, Kathleen Aerts in the middle and Karen Damen on the right… do I? 😉

[flv: 440 293](Does Karen have a tongue stud? Yikes! That’s hard core. Well, I guess I can deal with it.)

Being a fan of the Monkees — a topic I leave open for D.F. Rogers to indulge online someday — I’m intrigued by the idea that a Pop group can be assembled by audition, and achieve a synergy that’s as compelling as any ‘organically’ formed quartet or trio.

Because I don’t understand Flemish, I have to appreciate K3 for everything else they do well. Precisely because I don’t understand the words they’re almost abstract sounds, and they take on their own appealing quality.

Kristel Verbeke is the most beautiful woman in the world. (There, I said it!)

Kristel Verbeke with hubby and baby

K3 have been at this for ten years, and Kristel is married and has two children, yet they keep going, being silly into their 30’s. Perhaps that’s one of the benefits of being in Belgium, where their audience is relatively small, but loyal.

K3 Wallapper

5 thoughts on “Super K3”

  1. Hi Doug! That’s true about Jackie K-O, but then remember there are familial and genetic links to cancer that you can’t change, and things from certain medicines, smoking, obesity, asbestos inhaling, black hair dye, some cosmetics, ad infinitum are factors in some cancer cases. I feel if you’re in optimum shape you have a better chance of fighting some cancers, although it’s possible to be very much in shape but carrying a future mutating cell that will make a terminal malignant cancer. It’s just a chance event like everything else in life really-but being in shape does give you a better self-image and allows you to do more with less effort and less fatigue. K3 will tell you that! 🙂

  2. K3 is but one of my many secret shames. Yes, Kristel seems happy with her two daughters, as well as her big baby!

    Your comment makes me think of Jackie K-O, who wondered why she had bothered taking such good care of herself all those years, only to contract cancer anyway.

  3. Hi Doug! Now does that bring an endorphin rush or what?!! Don’t answer that…yours is a family blog! Long Live K3! Does Kristel have a adorable baby or what?___and the little bundle of joy is cute too! Hey, nothing wrong with being over 30 and having fun! I plan on my post-menopause years being a blast-get in shape, eat healthy and stave off the Grim Reaper as long as possible!

  4. Yay! They’re back! One more request: get rid of the depressed Linus on your masthead, Dougie. We need something more uplifting! How’s yer back this morning? If you are getting the stalled weather that we’re getting here, I imagine … not good!!

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