Witch-free VP

Because I can’t go running anymore in the evening, I’m watching Keith Olbermann’s Countdown on MSNBC. Tonight he featured a startling video of Sarah Palin being prayed over for protection from witches at her church, the Assemblies of God. I got this copy from YouTube.

[flv:http://www.dograt.com/Video/2008/SEP/PalinWitch.flv 440 330]

Once again take note that when I was in college I sometimes attended an Assemblies of God church. Does this reflect mainstream America? I sincerely respect the faith that is held by an individual, but such extreme beliefs have no place in government, and I don’t trust Sarah Palin to keep her faith and her political power separate.

2 thoughts on “Witch-free VP”

  1. Don’t get me started on Elizabeth Montgomery! She’s like #3 on The List.

    I’ve never heard of Benny Hinn. Yet another egomaniac preacher? With every one of these guys it’s all about themselves, and not about God. They’re in it for the money and/or the sex. I absolutely, positively guarantee you that’s the case. Remember Ted Haggard?

  2. YOIKS! Not as bad as Benny Hinn, but really! The only witchcraft I like is on “Bewitched!”

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