Jonathan Ross and his “Juvenile Radio Prank”

I was flummoxed by how many items and editorials that originated in the UK today about the Jonathan Ross brouhaha didn’t explain exactly what he and his radio pal did. But now I have the story, and it’s strange. Here’s one of many write-ups about it. Sounds like typical shock jock antics, but where everybody knows each other, in one way or another.

Wait! This just came in from our man in Scotland, Petula Clark fan Dave Moncur.

Thought you might like this article which tells a bit about Ross’s fall from grace.

Click here

He is paid £18 million over 3 years, and he and his cohort Brand, thought it would be funny to mock the granddaughter of one of our beloved comedy actors, and to leave a filthy message about having shagged her on the guy’s voicemail.

In England, where they live, that is a criminal offence.

It wasn’t a live programme, it was recorded and “signed off” by a BBC executive.

So frankly, it would, in my opinion be good if there were a series of resignations. The manager, producer and to two so-called stars.

As I write, it seems that Brand has done the decent thing and resigned. Ross seems to be a little too fond of his £18 million to do that, but I hope he will be prosecuted under the Telecommunications Act which makes lewd calls a crime, and hopefully the BBC will sack him. This is not what we all pay £140 a year for!.

Incidentally the said Ross, was horribly patronising and rude to Petula when she appeared on his show in 2002 to promote the Ultimate Tour and Album. She was VERY polite, and a little cold back, but I’m pretty sure the little pipsqueak knew that he had been put in his place by someone who has been a superstar longer that he’s been alive.

From that time on I haven’t watched him or listened to him. Frankly most of his humour is a bit childish and crude. You know, anyone can get a laugh out of saying “fuck” or “wank”. It takes talent to get a laugh out of something less crude.

Hope your health is better now.

Thanks, Dave! Yes, my back is completely better. In fact, it’s better than ever and I can say I’m almost glad it happened.

Sorry to hear that Mr. Ross was anything other than sycophantically worshipful of Petula. The swine. But as a comic book fan, I have to give him credit and thanks for producing “In Search of Steve Ditko”.

8 thoughts on “Jonathan Ross and his “Juvenile Radio Prank””

  1. Yes, Jean, Johnny Carson had a gentle sense of humor and that’s what made him a great comedian. Ross & Brand on the other hand took advantage of a person’s reputation and did it in a public way, which I’m sure they knew was illegal, but did it anyway. If someone famous is nasty to you in public that’s unfortunate since they should know the fans want to interact with them, and yes, if Rupert was nasty, that’s unfortunate too. But when you’re nasty and do it with the media, that’s unforgivable. That’s why I miss listening to Norm Nathan since he wasn’t like Howard Stern and all these other djs who make jokes at other people’s expense just to get ratings. That turns me off of radio listening. It’s a smaller offense than Rush, et al stirring up hatred over the airwaves, but it’s classless too.

  2. Ha Ha Doug. I really don’t expect people to be sychophantic when interviewing Petula, but he was rude about her age, and energy. Ungallant in any case, and as she looks younger than he does, and works at least twice as hard, I thought that he had a cheek, Pet, of course, handled him with her usual savoir faire, but she was cool (not cold) with him after the comment. It was his radio show that it happened on, and she was scheduled for an appearance on his tv show too, but mysteriously, that was cancelled

    She hasn’t appearedon his show since despite having done quite a bit of publicity for various tours and cds or dvds.

    But you’re right of course, Ross must have some talent, otherwise the BBC wouldn’t be paying him £6,000,000 a year… alot more than our Pet earns!

    PS…. sorry for swearing. You make a good point. When used occasionally, it can be very effective. In constant use it is simply lack of vocabulary.

  3. Hi Doug! I noticed that with Jon Stewart too and was kind of put off of his show since it’s one of the smarter political shows on TV. Just like chef Gordon Ramsey is great for helping out failing restaurant owners and staff, but his language is too brutal for me. I’m not a prude, but enough is enough!

  4. What Ross and Brand did was, to say the least, “not cricket!” I am appalled. And Ross insulted our Pet! For that alone he should resign!

    “Filthy lucre,” ha, ha, great phrase, Joan! You know, Tom dislikes Leno for the same reason, because relies too much on crude humor. Johnny Carson was far more urbane and had the class to get a laugh out of just a perfectly timed look or double entendre. Remember Ed Ames throwing the axe? 😉 Johnny’s carefully chosen words and reactions were all it took to create a classic moment in TV history.

  5. Please note that Dave’s comment has only the second time where the “F” word has appeared in this blog. The other instance, it’s spoken by Petula in a video. Being out of character for both of these people, there is impact and amusement in its use. When it’s heard in every other word, it’s pointless. Lately, Jon Stewart on the Daily Show has been really overusing the word, and I hope he cuts it out.

  6. Ross and Brand were a couple of foul-mouthed wankers and not very intelligent or “cutting edge” doing this. I say Andrew Sachs and license payers should make Ross and Brand give up some of their filthy lucre and they should be sued up the arse. Even though I’m all for freedom of speech in any country, an illegal act is illegal, and this was tasteless, vulgar and STUPID, to say the least.

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