Global Reach

A guilty pleasure of mine is looking through the Global Industrial catalog whenever it shows up at work. It has almost everything. Hasn’t everybody imagined decorating their living room like a doctor’s office reception area?

Reception Area Furniture

How about lockers for the mud room? And wouldn’t one of these magazine racks be great, assuming you still get magazines?

LockersMagazine StandMagazine Rack

But what I really have my eye on is the pre-engineered mezzanine…

Metal mezzanine

I want to get one for the backyard, so when K3 come to visit they can address the admiring throngs below, like they do in Belgium and the Netherlands. πŸ˜‰

K3 in Holland

6 thoughts on “Global Reach”

  1. For myself, K3 wasn’t an acquired taste. I had an immediate “WOW!” response, and not just because they’re women. I’d seen the Spice Girls on TV and heard some tracks by them, and they did nothing at all for me.

    Kathleen’s singing is bright and clear, Kristel is smooth sounding, and Karen has a huskier tone, and together they just click. They are, of course, the product of producers and promotion, but I sincerely feel that together they are much more than mere commercial product. There be magic pixie dust in what they do.

    The sound of the Flemish words themselves are captivating. I have no idea what “Har dee DEEF!” means when Kristel exclaims it in “Verliefd” (“In Love”), but I love it when she says it. “Hart Con Stayla!”

  2. Ooh, Jean, now THAT could cause an international incident! K3 wouldn’t like you saying they look like the Alaskan Crab! Actually that’s an insult to the Great Alaskan Crab, saying they have the lack of decorum Sarah Palin has! πŸ™‚ Did you see where there was an uptick in death threats to Barack Obama after she said “He pals around with terrorists!”. Hey, she palled around the Invader Dick-tater Bush! I don’t think K3 want to deal with American politics until January 20th. Then they could be Belgian Goodwill Ambassadors to the US. K3 is growing on me-I was thinking of getting a CD of theirs! The songs are catchy and fun. Even if they’re in Flemish you can phonetically sing along. On the 80’s sitcom “Down Home” that had a short run, the Vietnamese chef was singing a popular song, and I can’t remember which one, in possibly Cantonese (or is there an actual language called Vietnamese?). Cute & funny! The actor who played him was comical anyway. His character was named Tran and Gedde Watanabe played him.

  3. Hey, is there enough for the Royals to join K3 on the mezzanine? OK, OK, maybe just Wills and Harry πŸ˜‰ Yikes! I remember getting that magazine, or one just like it, while running the outer office office of a certain optometrist I once knew. He was cheap and wouldn’t let me get ANYTHING, so I DID like to dream of my fantasy outer office! We were on the first floor in our two locations, so the mezzanine would have been totally unnecessary.

    Joan, is it just me or do our girls on the pre-fab porch look a little like a certain Alaska governor in those outfits? You BETCHA!

  4. A quick search for “pre engineered balcony” comes up with just one hit. I guess I see why you’d want to substitute a mezzanine. You might, however, consider renting scaffolding. Once you drape the flower garlands all over, nobody would ever know…

  5. Hi Doug! I like the wood free-standing magazine rack. I’m not too crazy about the mezzanine, though. If any of K3 are like me and afraid of heights, (2 stories high? Fugheddaboudit!), they would need Dramamine, depending on how high it was. They might say, “Dock-less, ze mezzanine make me feel, ja! What ze term? Want to toss ze cookies? Ja!”. Ooh, Doug got it bad for K3!

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