Not Dead Yet

I realize that I’ve lost some blogging energy and haven’t posted much lately, and what there is has perhaps very little interest to most. I’m working on some things that will hopefully be more entertaining to you. But there are gutters to clean — again — and leaves to rake, and guests are coming over today then we’re all going out to dinner.

3 thoughts on “Not Dead Yet”

  1. I’ve been good about not overextending my reach while cleaning out the gutters. I had a blast raking leaves today, because I once again have total freedom of movement, which is something I will never take for granted again.

    Speaking of blogger stagnation, a couple of blogs I’d been following semi-regularly have disappeared. The authors were posting less frequently, then they were gone. I promise that won’t happen to me. Not for a long time, anyway, barring any unrecoverable technical disaster.

  2. Yup, there’s always something to do! Now this year I promised myself to get ready for X-MAS earlier this year since if you do it early you have time to enjoy leading to the holiday and it’s not here and gone. Now Doug, when you clean those gutters, PLEASE don’t try to extend yourself from the ladder! We don’t need you thinking you’re Gumby and stretching too far! 🙂

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