Obama Smoke Hoax

Barack Obama may or may not still be smoking cigarettes. If he isn’t, I’m sure he’s tempted to go back to them. This photo has circulated for months. It makes him look like a black Humphrey Bogart, don’t you think?

Fake photo

The photo is obviously a fake, because the mole on the left side of his nose is missing. This photo was the source material for the hoax.

Barack Obama

10 thoughts on “Obama Smoke Hoax”

  1. Hi Jean! I have killer insomnia but then when I fall asleep I just want to keep sleeping in a deep sleep. I keep my cell phone under my pillow so I can pull it out when I can’t get back to sleep and check out DogRat.com. I always liked the night better and maybe I like cats so much because I might have been one in another life! My sleep schedule is so screwed up!

  2. Wow, I should have checked back here. Joan, what were you doing up in the wee hours? Yeah, an insomniac, just like me, eh? 😉

    therev, my hackles went up when you said Barky looks like Bogey. You’re RIGHT! That’s what has been bugging me all these months. Yeah, I know the ciggy is a fake.

    So, Doug, if you’re getting ripped, you actually WILL look like the bald/goateed Peter Parker in “The Amazing DogRat” strip you posted a few months back when you had the flu, right? 😉

  3. He does look like Bogey! My husband and I just noticed it the other night while watching the H. Bogart classic, The Big Sleep. But the cig is photoshop.

  4. Jean and I knew a girl our age who died very young of a heart condition. It was very sad. Her father also had heart trouble, I think. I’ve read that some heart abnormalities can actually be helpful to athletes.

  5. That made me think of my Mom’s younger brother who died of a hole in the heart at age 12. Back then they didn’t have the techniques or an affordable surgery to repair it. Charles would get winded easily and could not keep up with his brother and 2 sisters. Fast-forward to recently when I just saw surgery on TV to repair a defect and it was exactly the same thing-and now an almost everyday procedure with a good prognosis. It’s just a shame Charles was a young child 3 generations too early. Thank goodness though in our day and age repair is possible now!

  6. Isn’t that something how intense activity can be dangerous to the heart if done too much? There was recently a Russian ice hockey player at 19 who died on the team bench while talking to his teammate and mentor Jaromir Jagr. The young man looked to be in great shape but it’s under investigation that he had a heart defect and should not have been playing at all. If you’ve always had an ailment or defect is one thing, but it’s ironic how too much exercise and activity is as dangerous as not enough.

  7. Did I send you that article about marathon running and its hidden dangers, Dougie? I think I did. Anyway, I think they were aiming more towards the marathon/triathlon junkies, who do six or more of these events per year.

  8. I’ve never smoked — OK, I tried a pack in high school and one in college — and the physical therapy for my back has been more of a personal training session, because I recovered so quickly. So I guess I’m in the “getting ripped” stage now. Without doubt I’ll be tackling the Boston Marathon again, although with the new evidence of the health dangers associated with marathon running I’m not sure how many more I should do.

  9. I had seen the original photo before, sans cigarette, and noticed the poor man looks totally pooped. Just think how much more energy he might have without smoking. I don’t know how he keeps his schedule and puts up with all this pre-election b.s. Maybe that’s why he’s chomping on so much Nicorette! He needs a personal trainer, nutrionist advice, and to get ripped! So do I!

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